A total idiot. For instance, looking up "stupid" in the dictionary cuz you don't know what it means.
by Intelligence001 June 21, 2016
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Someone who doesn't know something that you found out yesterday.
I can't believe that you didn't know the capital of Papua New Guinea you ignoramus!
by Stew September 17, 2004
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Someone who is incredibly stupid and has no life.
people who are ignoramus include Directioners, Potter Heads, Gleeks, Sheeranators and anyone who crys in Titanic.

"Look! Its a pigeon!"
"OMG its Kevin!"
by Hayley987 April 30, 2012
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Someone who is ignorant. Often used to describe a bigot.
People who think the plural of ignoramus is ignorami are ignorant the the fact it is actually ignoramuses.
by Gumba Gumba February 24, 2004
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Someone who plays Apex Legends, but has no knowledge of and has not played Titanfall or Titanfall 2.
Apex Ignoramus: Hey did you see the little Mega Man thing on the Warp Zone Mastiff skin?
Me: Fucktard that's a Pilot from Titanfall.

Me: Hey bitch that's from Titanfall.

Apex Ignoramus: Wow! Apex has all these unique guns and abilities!
Me: Dumbass 99% of them are from Titanfall.

Apex Ignoramus: Apex is better than Titanfall.
Me: Hey motherfucker you wanna go?
by nice rigger November 17, 2020
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- Someone who is incredibly ignorant or stupid beyond any standard of reason.
- Someone who holds relatively extreme forms of ignorant beliefs.
- Someone who is impressionable or inclined to gravitate towards extreme or otherwise ridiculously ignorant beliefs/ideologies.
Cult members or adheres to radical political beliefs likely suffer from Ignoramus Syndrome.
by MadCentre January 26, 2013
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Any American person who likes to attend town hall meetings to "discuss" the healthcare reform debates when they have no clue as to what they are fighting for or against.

These people are usually 1 or more of the following:
1) Senior Citizens
2) Republicans
3) Uneducated
In a town hall meeting help by Rep. Robert Inglis

Healthcare Ignoramus: "Keep you goddamn government hands off my medicare!!!"

Inglis: "Actually sir, your healthcare is being provided by the government"

Healthcare Ignoramus: o.0
by tjpartys August 12, 2009
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