The interstate stretching all the fsckin way through most parts of Georgia, and an assload of other places too.
I got stuck behind some asshole on I-20 when I was trying to get home from Atlanta.
by Joselle September 21, 2005
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Phrase often added by annoying people to the end of a really bad story, mocking their own story's badness by admitting the necessity for something interesting to happen at the end. Or ironic mocking of these people.
Person 1: "So in the end I gave him back his monkey feces and didn't invite him up when he dropped me off. Isn't that amazing?"
Person 2: "..."
Person 1: "and then I found 20 dollars!"
by djk December 9, 2003
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This is how to relieve the awkwardness after telling a really bad story. You can find more or less money, depending on how bad the story was.
Guy: So, I thought that I lost my hat, but then I found it in my car.
Girl: ...
Guy: ... and then I found 20 bucks!
by Kaycene August 1, 2008
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Dino: so this one time, me and my friend russel, you know my friend russel right?
by Ian October 13, 2004
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A phrase used to tell someone that they own 20 thousand lethal weapons.
joe: "hey i own 20 thousand lethal weapons"
bob: "cool"
*20 thousand f-15 fighter jets appear behind joe*
bob: "what the fuck"
by fishisreallycool September 14, 2023
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A common mistake made by Brazilians speakers of English. In Portuguese, people "have" their ages.
How old are you, Neymar?
I have 20 years old.
by NonNative March 17, 2019
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