A weight loss program dedicated to doing large amounts of cocaine instead of eating or sleeping.
Stephanie went down 2 dress sizes after a week on the straw diet
by Ad93iwl25 January 8, 2018
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When you're so broke that all you can afford to eat is a $2 bag of chips.
Sorry bro I can't go out tonight. I just paid rent so I'm on an all chip diet.
by Jimmy McSemi January 18, 2023
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The scurge of eating large amounts of food while trying to lose weight. It is not physically feasable and many women and even some men will ask do these jeans make my butt look big....no bitch you a fat ass
Started my fat diet today but im still gaining weight...i dont understand why
by Selfconsciousfatass September 2, 2017
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August 8th is the day that celebrates Diet Pepsi. It is my grandmother’s birthday and Diet Pepsi is the only thing she drinks. She gets withdrawal if she doesn’t have any.
“Todays August 8th
It’s Diet Pepsi Day”
by weirdo.ginger September 29, 2022
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Any Democrat who embraces conservative, neoconservative, neoliberal, or MAGA talking points.
Examples: Joe Biden (neoliberal hawk), Joe Manchin (votes for Republicans more than Democrats), Bill Maher, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Eric Swalwell (for wanting to deport Russian students), and RFK, Jr. (anti-vax, embraced by MAGA)

Kyrsten Sinema used to be a Diet Republican, but now, she left the Democrats and is on her way to being a full-fat Republican.
by Jackwehadababyitsagirl July 30, 2023
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Someone who is a self-proclaimed "Libertarian" but holds socially conservative views, especially one who is resistant to being labelled "Conservative" or "Republican"
Mark: Ned calls himself a libertarian but he's against gay marriage and legalizing weed.
James: Sounds like he's just a Diet Republican.
by Supercoolsome September 7, 2022
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Anyone born at the end of the 90's
A Diet Millennial will only be able to understand a quarter of your references.
by Zardeneta July 30, 2019
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