190 definitions by steven

A project to create the most accurate and complete free-content encyclopedia on the Internet. Written as a collaboration of users across the Internet. Basically, the UrbanDictionary.com version of an encyclopedia, without the witless comments.
An article on Wikipedia helped me write my Astronomy paper.
by steven January 1, 2004
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Man, I'm all outta hydro. Guess it's time to see the reefer chief.
by steven May 19, 2005
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Omegasexual is the state of being where everything lusts after you. It does not denote your sexual preferance, but rather, denotes other peoples sexual preferance tward you, wether they are heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or even metrosexual.
John is so hot that he is Omegasexual.
by steven July 12, 2004
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while recieving oral sex, the penis gets smacked on the girl's forehead strong enough to leave a bruise.
i have her a purple mushroom she'll never forget
by steven February 14, 2003
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Shit, something people don't want to hear.
Stop talking smack or imma fuck you fuck
by steven March 7, 2005
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When a girl is convinced by society at large, and her friends, that she is NOTHING unless she is in a relationship(engaged or married)in order to please her peers and to prove her womanhood.
Kyle never goes out anymore. That bitch Jenny has him in a Hallmark Headlock!!
by steven October 25, 2004
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When used in a sentence, the one using it is a dumbass.
by steven February 12, 2005
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