112 definitions by sarasplayroom.com

The way of preparing a diluted drink in a strip club for the strippers only, patrons keep buying their strippers drinks, if they weren't diluted, the girls would be too inebriated to work. The patrons get their drinks mixed per usual. The strippers get mixed drinks with extra ice, where the mixer is poured first, such as coca-cola, then the bartender 'splashes' the liquor on top, so that if the patron sniffs the drink or takes a sip to make sure he isn't getting ripped off (for overpaying for drinks anyway), the liquor will taste quite strong.
Friend to Stripper: How do you drink like 20 drinks a nite and not get drunk?

Stripper: Oh the bartender dilutes our drinks, hmmm, I probably only drink the equivalent of 4 drinks the whole nite thanks to splashing. And mine are mixed with diet cola, have to watch the calories too haha.
by sarasplayroom.com July 25, 2009
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Bleach used to turn girls hair an unnatural Barbie blonde. This can be seen especially in photos of girls on Myspace, Facebook and porn sites and in clubs and college campuses and on the beach.
One Dude to Another: You could smell the Barbie Bleach at the club last nite, it was just like Attack of the Barbies!

Another: Blonde Zombies! Did you get laid?

Dude: Unfortunately, no, they were just into trying to out-hot each other.
by sarasplayroom.com June 15, 2010
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A dominant bitchy bossy girl who makes sure that she gets men to spend a lot of cash on her, this could be on dates or shopping. This could also be an aspect of financial domination where the bossy girl makes demands that money be spent on her or she will drop the wallet guy like a hot potato. Sometimes, the wallet raper will take the wallet, look thru the credit cards, count the cash and decide where the shopping will take place, and how much cash will be spent on her or taken by her.
The wallet raper made sure that she forced her wimpy date to take her to the most expensive restaurant in town, ordered the most expensive bottle of wine, then they went to the casino where she made him give her cash so she could gamble with it.
by sarasplayroom.com April 13, 2009
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Texter: We made the frat pledges do the Double Dutch Rudder on each other, then we tossed the first rudder cummer

Response: OMG LMAO 2FF
by sarasplayroom.com October 9, 2009
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A condition caused by watching too much Jersey Shore or going to clubs infested with too many guidos and guidettes. Similar to zombie-ism. Orange spray tan may rub off on you, you may find yourself doing the guido first pump, turning up your collar on your white shirt, talking like a douche or picking up skanky bleached blondes or guidettes.
One dude to another: I have a ranging hangover and I woke up with my bluetooth in my ear and there was orange spray tan on my white shirt and the collar was up! WTF!!

Another: We can never go to that club again. You've got guidosis. Jump in the shower and scrub down now!
by sarasplayroom.com October 17, 2010
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Ho's (girls) who get fake spray-on 'orange' tans the same color as the skin of the Oompa Loompas from the Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory movie. Often when Oompa Loompas are spotted, the spotters start singing the Ooompa Loompa song. Celebrity ho's are often uber-guilty of getting the most outrageous orange spray-on tans.
One Dude to Another: Check out the Oompa Loompas coming out of the tanning salon.

Damn: They are looking pretty orange.

One Dude: Like Malibu Barbies except orange.

Both Dudes: (Start singing the Ooompa Loompa song)
by sarasplayroom.com August 14, 2009
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Large breasts, often fake! Word is a combo of Breasts and Tyrannosauruses.
Dude to Another: Check out that chick's Breast-o-Sauruses. They have to be Double E's!

Another: Double E silicone sacs, but still awesome!
by sarasplayroom.com August 14, 2009
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