112 definitions by sarasplayroom.com

Putting your age as 99 on Myspace so that people can't troll you by your real age and spam you or send you stupid messages like "whazzup?"
I had my real age on Myspace but I got too many douchebags trying to hit me up, so I 99'd myself.
by sarasplayroom.com June 5, 2009
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The term derived for what could be a one-term Presidency for Barack Obama, if he doesn't live up to campaign promises, or to 'fixing' the country's economic woes and stimulating new jobs for millions of out of work Americans. Is a splice of former one term-er President Carter's and President Obama's names.
It's going to be Carterama in 2012 if Obama doesn't turn things around.
by sarasplayroom.com November 10, 2009
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Slang for waxing salons, especially ones that do Brazilians and other specialty 'muff' work. Slang refers to how the wax is ripped or stripped off, pulling out the stubble or hair with it.
Girl to Another: I need to make an appointment at the Muffrippers.

Another: Ouch, the girls who work there are sadistic!

Girl: Yes, but I need to get the muff waxed, you know, can't let the stubble get out of control.

Another: So true, but I prefer shaving to waxing. Less pain!
by sarasplayroom.com August 16, 2009
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When 2 guys pee together and duel with the streams as if liquid light sabres, similar to crossing swords, looks gay
One dude to another: Don't tell anyone we were crossing streams, they'll think we're gay!

Another: But can we do it again?
by sarasplayroom.com July 2, 2010
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What one girl says to another if her tampon string is showing, especially if she is in a bikini on the beach, or is a stripper in a skimpy outfit. Refers to the tampon string sticking out like a parachuter's ripcord. This alerts the girl of her embarrassing predicament without saying something truly embarrassing such as 'Tampon String Alert'! It is also the girlie warning equivalent of a guy saying 'XYZ' to a guy, meaning Examine Your Zipper (cuz it's down).
Girl to another girl on the beach: Um Geronimo!

Another girl: OMG no! (Throws a towel over her bikini bottom and makes a quick adjustment to hide the string)
by sarasplayroom.com July 13, 2009
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When girls hold up their pinkie fingers, to wag at a guy who has a small penis, doing so in humiliation.
That girl just gave the guy driving the Red Ferrari the pinkie salute! He must have a small dick.
by sarasplayroom.com March 7, 2009
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When a girl gets tired of fucking the same cock, even though that cock might be awesome by size, girth, cumshot.
Girl #1: I cheated on Danny.

Girl #2: Why? I thought you said he had an incredible cock...

Girl #1: It's been 3 months, I'm tired of his cock, so I did a one-niter with this guy I met on Twitter.

Girl #2: Sounds like you have cock fatigue.

Girl #1: Yeah you could call it that. I'm just afraid to tell Danny, don't want to deflate his ego. There's nothing wrong with his cock. I just need fresh new cock!
by sarasplayroom.com May 6, 2010
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