155 definitions by nathan

Naar ,that was killerboss
by nathan September 22, 2003
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Someone who performs the act of fellatio (oral sex on a man). A penis can be referred to as a 'knob'
That fuckin' knobgobbler wanted to go down on me!
by nathan July 21, 2004
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It’s like a slow bitch. Because you’re a snail meaning you’re slow and you’re a bitch like a bitch yk so like snail bitch .
“yo that guys snail bitch
“yo that bitch rly do be snailing tho”

“that snail rly do be bitching tho”
by nathan June 5, 2023
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When two guys are tag teaming a girl, one of whom is receiving oral sex and the other anal sex, they hold hands and trust back and forth performing a motion like a lumberjack sawing down a tree.
My buddy and me flipped a coin for positioning during the lumberjack.
by nathan November 21, 2004
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The opposite of monogamy. To have many sexual partners within short intervals of time is to be polygamous. Expanding upon this, having bitches or call girls or multiple friends with benefits is being polygamous.
Polygamous behavior is one of the greatest proliferators of STD's next to sharing needles.
by nathan July 18, 2004
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Quite literally change, or chaotic nature. Vicissitude would be used to describe the emotional state of mental patients or the chemical properties of nitro and glycerin.
Vicissitude is a word that is used mainly to belittle others in that very few people know it's meaning.
by nathan July 18, 2004
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A weird ass dude who tweeks now and then; he loves gettin the mail and buyin cell phone accessories. Also known as boobs, nubs, booby tuesday, nubuckle, lil boobauer, RBN, bauer, nuboid nutreno, poker face, noobles, nooby
Nubes is a kid with serious nerves and intensity.
by nathan February 16, 2004
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