155 definitions by nathan

An excuse for not knowing the correct spelling of a word.
1: Thats wierd, my indeviduality is deprishiating at an starteling rate

2: what?

1: Uh... typo

2: Moron.
by nathan July 18, 2004
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lesbien sex when Nathan is inculded in some way, shape, or form
Me, Robin, and Lisa are gonna have some hot padoofass later.
by nathan July 4, 2003
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Cowardly, weak, generally lame. Used primarily as an adjective but can also be a noun. Basically synonymous with pussy.
Jorge didn't want to go tag up the overpass with us... that fool's hella naphy!
by nathan June 19, 2005
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1. A rude , insolent and/or indeserving person
2. A bag made of anus
3. A hanging anus resembling a scrotum
You anusbag! I showed you my anus bag the other day.
by nathan December 30, 2005
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noun, a utopian country in which all of the government is based upon cheese.
Cheesetopia is the best country in the world!
by nathan June 23, 2003
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fat mexican slut with big gehtto earings
that fibit ass bitch took all my money
by nathan January 24, 2005
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