26 definitions by n333m

One of the most influential and greatest guitar players of all time.
Also a part of the sad 27, 4 amazing Muscians who all died at the same age with simalar deaths.
Jim Morrison
Janis Joplin
Jimi Hendrix
Kurt Cobain
He pretty much invented the left handed guitar by turning a right handed one upside and switching all the strings.
by n333m August 27, 2004
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a stupid word i said when i was high on life meaning just trust or belive me.
RYAN- dude just trusify just trustify.
will-*smacks head*
by n333m August 26, 2004
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the act of burbing out of your nose,
Drinking 4 sodas and holding your mouth shut when you have to burp will cause a nose burp.
burping through ones nose
by n333m August 25, 2004
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a natural chemical your pancreas creates to regulate your blood sugars
if you eat pixie sticks you pacreas is going to have to work harder, if it doesn't work you have to take insulin injection
by n333m August 31, 2004
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The reaction that happens when a person see a gibson les paul.
I cannot play my gibson les paul guitar for too long or i will need new pants.
by n333m October 25, 2004
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