15 definitions by minagica

When an app you have come to depend on stops working such that you can't get it to work again for the life of you. An appocalypse can be so brutal that it may result in your spending great sums of money on a new device that can run the (most likely free) app you have gotten so addicted to.
A: "Oh no! Candy Crush is no longer working on my iPod! Now what am I supposed to do with my life???"

B: "Maybe it's not too late to stop this appocalypse in its tracks! Try updating the OS and then reinstalling the app!"
by minagica June 18, 2015
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1) Being surrounded by an unusually large number of babies - often crying - in a location that is not generally known for them (such as a plane). The unnaturally high number of babies may lend the experience a degree of creepiness.

2) Having a lot of babies being born within a short period of time within one's social circle, carrying with it the dramatic and involuntary end (apocalypse) of a period of one's life.
1) Good thing the pilot couldn't hear the babypocalypse going on in the plane behind him from the closed doors of the cockpit or he may have had an accident from all that noise!

2) John: "I don't have anyone to hang out with at the bar on Friday evenings anymore."
Jane: "What happened to all of your friends? Didn't you have a tight group?"
Joe: "A babypocalypse happened! One by one they all became fathers within the last 3 months!"
by minagica June 12, 2015
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The feeling of a burp refusing to come out.
I got throatstipation when I burped after eating too quickly but the burp wasn't big enough.
by minagica December 18, 2014
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Sucrose content of a sugar solution. Since sucrose is also the regular table sugar, the word can simply mean sugar content of a drink, juice or syrup.
In order to run our experiment, we had to increase the sucrosity of our solution gradually, by about 5 grams of sucrose at a time.
by minagica April 10, 2011
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An aquarium that mimics a swamp environment, either on purpose or out of neglect.
Over time, the algae and the pond snails have turned the planted tank into a swampquarium.
by minagica October 4, 2015
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People who wear a lot of jewelry or expensive jewelry (or both!) in order to appear rich and/or important and/or to show off their wealth for whatever reason. The concept of "jewelry" can, in this context, be expanded to include any status symbol that one may flaunt, from fancy villas in popular neighbourhoods to going shopping wearing Louboutin heels. The concept is to be contrasted with the concepts of "royalty", "nobility" and "old money" in general, which usually refer to people who are so famous due to their old money that they need not wear it in order to have people know about it. The concept is comparable to "nouveau riche" but it also applies to those merely mimicking the nouveau riche without actually having the bank account to match (or keep up!).
The Kardashians are jewelty - and so is the woman who tried to look like Kim Kardashian through plastic surgery!
by minagica February 12, 2015
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A teenager or very young adult that mistakenly thinks that being a douchebag is cool and who thus essentially becomes an apprentice douchebag that will one day probably become a full fledged douchebag, forever beyond hope of ever becoming a decent human being.
Jersey Shore probably created a lot of baby douches who may otherwise have stayed on a more civilized path in life.
by minagica June 13, 2015
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