95 definitions by karl

When you take a bottle and fill it with your feces and urine to the top. You then tighten down the top, and shake well. Leave the bottle out in the hot sun for a few hours and let it turn into a nice precipitate. Under the cover of night, you take the bottle and chuck it at someone's door or porch, the bottle shatters, and Holiday Nog goes everywhere.
You know that ass down the street? Yeah, well tonight, I'm throwing the Holiday Nog at his front door.

What's that smell? Ah man! Holiday Nog all over my patio!

I took a piss and a shit in a bottle. I plan on making some kickass Holiday Nog.
by karl March 6, 2004
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beauty has several definitions, but mine is a bit more large-scale than most: just look around you: babies forming in wombs, injuries healing, lifeforms reproducing, brains working, bodies moving, etc. all have been made to be recognized and glorified, but ultimately, to point toward a Designer.
the universe is so beautiful, it makes one wonder; 'has this all come from nothing? has all of this just materialized into existance? or is there a Creator who designed it? those who are willing to find are willing to seek.
by karl July 12, 2004
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one who listens to any subgenre of techno or electronica music. can sometimes be a derogatory term, thus, it carries stereotypes.
the following is a conversation that actually happened to me.
guy: dude, what the hell are you listening to?
me: well, that depends on what you want me to say. If i say, "electronic music" then you won't care. but if i use the word "techno" then you'll call me an idiot. so whichever one you want to hear is fine by me because i don't care what anyone else thinks.
guy: you listen to techno!? you're such an idiot!
by karl May 1, 2004
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(1) Something retarded you exclaim after your roommate announces "yeyeah!"
(2) an exclamation of your profound excitedness at seeing a fine piece of ass.
Teddy enters the house and announces "yeyeah!" In response you exclaim "shpladdow!"
by karl July 7, 2004
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for some one who uses lots of slang
by karl October 8, 2003
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one of the most wanted sounds in electronic music, rivaling the tr-808, tr-909 and several moog synths. It was supposed to sound like a real bass guitar, which it totally sucked at. so roland, the manufacturer, stopped making them pretty quickly, so they're kinda rare. after that, house Djs in the 80's started messing around with them (Dj peirre?) and found that you could make some pretty wild sounds with them. 303s eventually came to form their own style of music Acid, where the 303 is in basically every song, or at least another synth trying to sound like a 303.
the 303 is actually a very simple synth, considering it only has one oscillator, only two waveform options (saw, square) and a (wicked) lowpass filter. so basically the filter is the best thing about it. it also has a built in sequencer, which allows you to program your bassline into it, then hit play and tweak the filter while it plays, making a freaking awesome sound! people also put effects on it, like phasor, distortion, and delay.
by karl July 15, 2004
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when you're injured to the point that you can't fully function anymore. its hard or impossible to walk, use your hands, see, talk, write, hear, etc. hard to do daily functions. commonly used to describe one's condition after a skateboaring related injury, thus meaning it's hard to skate anymore because of the injury
that guy tried to ollie a 20 set and he rolled both his ankles, they broke. he can't walk for a few months and his skating career is basically down the tubes... he's totally jacked
by karl March 21, 2005
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