21 definitions by icantthinkofausername777

Not be confused with mall hauler or rock krawler, a Mall Krawler is truck,SUV, or Jeep completely modified with a lift kit, massive off road tires, bright lights, a winch, and all sorts of other off road gear. However, this vehicle has never and will never see a spec of dirt in it's life, not even a dirt trail, but instead be used only as a daily driver. Also known as a brodozzer
I saw a stock Jeep completely covered in mud parked next to a sparkly clean mall krawler
by icantthinkofausername777 May 21, 2019
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A sleeper car built out a large truck, van, or SUV. Spool refers to a Turbocharger, the power adder modification most of these vehicles use.
Ferrari: ha, look at the slow-ass Tahoe
Tahoe: *is fast as fuck*
Ferrari: WTF, must be a spool bus
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1) a manufacturer of luxury electric vehicles (EVs), famed for their performance and autopilot capabilities

2) slang/informal term for a car from Tesla (Model S, Model 3, Model X, Model Y)
fun Tesla fact: Just because you own one does not make you special or important
by icantthinkofausername777 February 27, 2020
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Short for hybrid turbocharger, a hybrid turbo functions similarly to a conventional tubrocharger, but features a small electric motor on the shaft to reduce tubro lag. While this may not work as well as systems like anti-lag or two-step, it is generally cheaper and more reliable. It's also less of a cop magnet, as a hybrid turbo doesn't produce backfire as often. The term has nothing to do with a hybrid vehicle

Unfortunately, hybrid turbos are hard to find, and generally don't come in a kit
Mechanic 1) I'm gonna turbo my car!
Mechanic 2) Nice, you thinking anti-lag or...?
Mechanic 1) Nah, I'm throwing on a hybrid turbo.
Mechanic 2), Pfft, good like finding one bud!
by icantthinkofausername777 April 4, 2020
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Possibley the most overhyped car on the face of the earth. While it is a very receptable tuner car if you can somehow manage to get hands on one, in it's stock form is no more than any other RWD car with equivalant power.

It's a good, fun car no doubt, just not as great as 12 year old fanboys make it seem.
12 year old: Wow! Look! A Supra! 1000 hrspers!

Me: Bitch please thats a stock automatic non turbo supra that don't even make 300
by icantthinkofausername777 December 4, 2018
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A joke popular with people who oppose communism or socialism (or otherwise any kind of planned economy), referencing how former Chilean army general, Augusto Pinochet was notorious for throwing the dead bodies of commies into the ocean out of a helicopter.
Person 1: Ya know, Marx was right, we should abolish private property
Person 2: Heh, you should sign up for one of Pinochet's Helicopter Tours
by icantthinkofausername777 February 25, 2021
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1) The "successful accident" that took place on April 11, 1970 thru April 17 1970 where astronauts Jim Lovell, Fred Haise, and Jack Swigert had to jurry rig their Apollo spacecraft, using the LEM as a "life boat" after an explosion broke one of the oxygen tanks during liftoff

2) Similar to winging it, but you have at least some idea of what you're doing. "Pulling an Apollo 13"
1) Houston, we have a problem

2) Fuck, I forgot to study for the test. I'll just flip through my notes and pull an Apollo 13...
by icantthinkofausername777 March 12, 2020
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