21 definitions by icantthinkofausername777

1) a manufacturer of luxury electric vehicles (EVs), famed for their performance and autopilot capabilities

2) slang/informal term for a car from Tesla (Model S, Model 3, Model X, Model Y)
fun Tesla fact: Just because you own one does not make you special or important
by icantthinkofausername777 February 27, 2020
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1) How many people you've had sex with.
2) How many people you've killed
Popular kid: Hey looser! What's you're body count?
Quiet kid:idk like 5
Popular kid: Pfffft, no way!
Quiet kid: Nah, I think we're talking bout something different.
by icantthinkofausername777 March 10, 2020
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A DIY turbocharger setup done as cheaply as possible. These setups usually make impressive numbers, but are unreliable and questionable. The word comes from ghetto meaning cheap and sketchy and charger meaning turbocharger.
Person 1: I'm gonna boost the miata
Person 2: You're really going to dump 5k into that raggedy-ass car?
Person 1: Nah I'm doing a ghettocharger, I can get it done for $600
by icantthinkofausername777 March 25, 2021
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A sleeper car built out a large truck, van, or SUV. Spool refers to a Turbocharger, the power adder modification most of these vehicles use.
Ferrari: ha, look at the slow-ass Tahoe
Tahoe: *is fast as fuck*
Ferrari: WTF, must be a spool bus
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1, technical definition) According to the Oxford English dictionary, an assault rifle is "a rapid-fire, magazine-fed automatic rifle designed for infantry use." While most of them are legal in the US assault rifles are hard to obtain. They are also very expensive to operate with the ammo and maintenance, and take skill to use effectively. "Assault rifle" is a highly technical term and only applies to a handful of guns.

2, Democrat definition) Any large gun that looks scary.

3, Repiblican definition) A buzzword made up by gun grabber libtards who want to take away our constitution.
1) I really want a FN SCAR but they're so expensive!
2) No civilian should be able to own an AR! That's an assault rifle!
3) Stupid libtards are trying to take our 2A! I'll keep whatever damn gun I want! Assailt rifles aren't real!
by icantthinkofausername777 May 22, 2020
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To take a motor vehicle, usually a Japanese import such as a Honda Civic and give it the ugliest fucking body kit ever. Examples include:

A spoiler taller than a semi truck
A muffler or "fart can" with a bigger diameter than a rocket engine
Fake eBay rims
Slammed suspension
Extreme camber
An obnoxiously loud sound system
A vehicle wrap/paint job that costs more than the car did originally

If any "performance" mods are done, these are only limited to an eBay cold air intake or an eBay turbo, usually bought for under $500. The demographics of ricers are usually aged 16 - 20, the age in which many first get their license. People often rice their car to give them the impression that their car is fast, or they are just retarded and unironically think it looks good.
Person 1: Look at that fucking honda dude

Person 2: God damn ricer
by icantthinkofausername777 November 19, 2018
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To take a motor vehicle, usually a Japanese import such as a Honda Civic and give it the ugliest fucking body kit ever. Examples include:

A spoiler taller than a semi truck
A muffler or "fart can" with a bigger diameter than a rocket engine
Fake eBay rims
Slammed suspension
Extreme camber
An obnoxiously loud sound system
A vehicle wrap/paint job that costs more than the car did originally

If any "performance" mods are done, these are only limited to an eBay cold air intake or an eBay turbo, usually bought for under $500. The demographics of ricers are usually aged 16 - 20, the age in which many first get their license. People often rice their car to give them the impression that their car is fast, or they are just retarded and unironically think it looks good.
Person 1: Look at that fucking honda dude

Person 2: God damn ricer
by icantthinkofausername777 November 19, 2018
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