26 definitions by handle187

A two-way pager that weights 6 pounds and costs $500 or more. You can talk to more people at a time using instant messenger than you can with a two-way. You can also type, access the Internet, and play video games in a more humane manner.

For those who would rather have radiation splashing onto their face rather than zapping their genitalia, instant messenger is the way to go.
I use instant messenger when I'm at my day job, but I can only use a two-way at my, uh..., night job.
by handle187 November 7, 2003
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1.) Synonym for "joint" meaning "bad as in good" (not "joint" meaning a weed cigarette).

2.) What someone while wearing a jump suit.

3.) What someone does after having to walk the plank.

4.) What a shipload of illegals do when they arrive at their destination.

"Man, this new track is the jump off !!!!" - "Charlene's party is gonna be the jump off this Sunday night" - "OMFG, the new (Chanel/Benz/Movado) is the jump off, son !!!1"

"Get the sheets ready, I'm about to start the jump off."

"Aaaargh! After ye walks the plank ye have no recourse but to jump off"

"Hurry up and jump off before the coasters get here."
by handle187 November 7, 2003
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In Mortal Kombat II, defeat your opponent on the winning round using only the kick buttons. When it says, "Finish Him !!!" enter the Babality code (For Mileena, it's down 4 times and then High Kick).

For brownie points, when playing against the computer, use Liu Kang, Jax, Kitana, or Reptile, and attack using only Low Kick on your winning round.
"Mileena Wins..... Babality !"
by handle187 November 7, 2003
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To converse lightly, with no specific topic or objective in mind.

See also: shooting the breeze
So, Bill and I were shooting the breeze and suddenly we came up with an idea for a new website.
by handle187 October 31, 2003
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A (usually young) woman with wide hips or big breasts and a youthful face, dressed in a sexy or revealing manner (probably dressed a little too old for her age).

Like many Spanish slang terms, the word "mami" is used mainly for dramatic effect, and sounds inappropriate if it's overused.

Similar to: dimepiece
"Daaaaamn, check out all the fly mamis in the spot !"
by handle187 October 31, 2003
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A Japanese wooden staff, used with two hands for fighting (obviously). Dontello carries one, so does Quang Chi.
"Don't make me have to get bo-jitsu on your ass, CLEAN UP YOUR ROOM!!!"
by handle187 November 7, 2003
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