62 definitions by dookeyboy

1. Any tall, delicious, ice-cold refreshing drink.

2. A consolation drink offered to a pissed-off person to pacify them quickly.

3. A drink purchased by a geek at a convention of nerds or any other lame place where wannabes hang out.
1. It's so hot outside I'm gonna go chill out at the diner for awhile and get myself a frosty beverage!

2. Sir, I'm so sorry the chef neglected to wash his hands after he went to the bathroom. May I offer you a frosty beverage while we await your complimentary meal?

3. In Steve Erkel voice: "Guys, I'm thirsty after checking out all the awesome European beatles on display here at Bug Fest 2011, so I think I shall partake in a brief respite and purchase myself a frosty beverage!"
by dookeyboy November 18, 2010
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The future science and study of the bones of Sarah Palin and all animal forms she once embodied in the early 21st century.

See also Mooselini, Gorilla from Wasilla, mama grizzly, and Caribou Barbie.
A hundred years from now many prominent universities around the globe will offer courses on Palintology.
by dookeyboy November 19, 2010
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a group of shoplifters who hold regular meetings to discuss and plan their next series of heists
This holiday season, retail outlets are hiring extra security to combat the expected increase in crimeshoppers.
by dookeyboy November 20, 2010
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A more polite/less vulgar way of telling someone to "go to hell" even though the overwelmingly strong sentiment to cuss them out completely is still there.

Comes from the fact that if there is actually a hell, then Adolf Hitler is most certainly there burning to a crisp.
Brad: "Well, ma'am, since this toaster you sold me was a total lemon, I'd like my money back."

Customer Rep: (Sarcastically) "Well, if you wouldn't have misused it, you wouldn't be here right now begging for your money back!"

Brad: "Bitch, I don't know who pissed in your cornflakes this morning, but as far as I'm concerned, you can go say hello to Adolf for me. Just give me my fuckin' money!"
by dookeyboy February 17, 2011
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A devious Black Friday scam perpetrated by department and electronics stores whereby offering especially low prices on a limited number of goods causes an asscrack of dawn stampede of desperate shoppers.

Most of these suckers are either injured, killed, or simply not fast enough to get in on the good deals, but nevertheless fall into the store trap of maxing out multiple credit cards because they are already there.
My uncle Ray was almost killed in a scampede at BestMacy's CostPlus TargetMart, but he managed to survive with nothing more than a fractured vertebrae while still securing his $.99 Acme toaster.
by dookeyboy March 4, 2011
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In the book of Tea Bag of the Neocon bible, the coming totalitarianistic ruler expected to usher in the New World Order, thereby ridding the earth of gotcha journalism and all liberals.

Suspected to have already appeared on Faux News numerous times while awaiting the prophesied time to reveal itself completely.

See also Mooselini, Caribou Barbie, mama grizzly, and Gorilla from Wasilla.
Yup... earthquakes, famine, floods, implant chips... all the signs point to the revelation of Wasillabeast any time now.
by dookeyboy November 21, 2010
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a televised donor call-in event wherein the sponsors keep 75% of the proceeds to line their own pockets, 20% is allocated for administrative costs, and the remaining 5% is given to the charity in question
Dude, I don't have cable and there's nothing on network TV tonight except this fuckin' telethon.
by dookeyboy November 22, 2010
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