62 definitions by dookeyboy

Sarah Palin, the dim-witted former half-Governor of Alaska, originally from Wasilla. See also Caribou Barbie.
I was at the zoo in Anchorage earlier today and I was surprised to see the Gorilla from Wasilla and her circus entourage on display there for a media event.
by dookeyboy November 19, 2010
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On the TV show "The X-Files," Fox Mulder's cigarette-smoking, shadowy, primary nemesis throughout the show's run from 1993 - 2002.

Whenever he appeared he was always either smoking, lighting up, rudely blowing smoke in someone's face, or putting out one of his trademark "Morley" cigarettes.

He may have headed up Federal agencies such as the FBI, CIA, and NSA, and he was apparently responsible for the abduction of Mulder's sister and was potentially their actual biological father. He also apparently had some role in almost every government conspiracy/coverup dating back at least as far as the 1947 Roswell, NM extraterrestrial incident.

His real name was finally revealed to be "C.G.B. Spender" in the 6th season of the show.
Mulder: "Tell me where they've taken Scully, you black-lunged son-of-a-bitch!"

Cancer Man (while lighting a Morley and walking away): "All in good time... Mulder."
by dookeyboy December 21, 2010
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an ass whoopin' some dude's about to taste for messin' with your shit
Main menu gon' haveta step outside in a sec if I catch you eyein' up my lady one more time.
by dookeyboy November 14, 2010
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The recent bout of self-destructive behavior perpetrated by Charlie Sheen, as defined by the actor himself in the myriad of interviews he's given to the national press.
NBC's Jeff Rossen: "Charlie, you recently lost custody of your kids and got fired from your job as the lead actor on 'Two And A Half Men.' What's going on?"

Sheen: "C'mon, Jeff, isn't it obvious? WINNING!!!"
by dookeyboy March 14, 2011
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A self-explanatory term that defines the style of government the world can expect should Sarah Palin ever become President of the United States.
Reporter with a spitting problem: "Preliminarily, pundits are predicting that the public's fear of Palineptitude is the primary predicament for the GOP, which is pondering pulling its support for a Sarah Palin presidential campaign and picking a more plausible puppet."
by dookeyboy November 23, 2010
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The false notion by imbecile politicians of restoration of civility in these politically turbulent times.

As defined on msnbc on "The Ed Show" by comedienne Lizz Winstead.
Minnesota Congresswoman Michelle Bachman was on Faux News last night discussing the imbecivility the Republicans will bring to the U.S. House now that they control it.
by dookeyboy January 22, 2011
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Dr. Lickalottapuss, do you suppose there were many gynosaurs helping deliver babies in the Jurassic period?
by dookeyboy November 22, 2010
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