182 definitions by al-in-chgo

A Latin and Italian word regarding male oral sex that is frequently confused with the more commonly used "fellare." "Irrumare" (person who does the act is an 'irrumator') refers to the person who offers the penis for sucking. The person who gives head (takes the penis into his or her mouth) is the 'fellator,' from "fellare". Modern terms like "sucker/suckee" or "bottom/top" don't cover the distinction so well.
-- That cocksucker? He can fellare me!

-- Oh you mean you want to irrumare him!
by al-in-chgo May 3, 2011
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A pun on "Opera Buffa" (an operatic trend in the 18th and 19th centuries toward a more relaxed mode of opera, often containing humor, such as "The Magic Flute"): "Opera Boofa" is a seriocomic, probably unintentional, portrayal of violative behavior or anal insertion of drugs or spirits under less-than-ideal circumstances.
-- "Did you see that guy testify on TV at the Judiciary Committee hearings?"

-- "Yeah -- the first day was pretty steady -- when he showed up again he got so overwrought denying things that it became pure "Opera Boofa."

by al-in-chgo October 5, 2018
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(Sometimes "Glibbertarian") From GLIB + libERTARIAN. A well-off or self-made individual who offers easy nostrums for complicated social and economic problems, usually centered around such premises as "A government program never helped anyone," or "Government is the cause of, not the answer to, America's problems."

A glibertarian response is frequently preceded by "Oh, just let this happen" or "Oh, all we need to do is . . . " Sometimes these statements elucidate libertarian principles, if a bit superficially, but more often invoke knee-jerk responses that offer snappy, painless solutions from anything but government.
"We have to get manufacturing back into this country."

"Oh, just let the magic of the market take care of that."

"What are we to do about illegal immigration?"

"Oh, all we need to do is get these folks onto a market-driven salary and off all these government programs like public schools and health care."

sarcastically: "Where on earth did you get all these wonderful solutions?"

"Oh, I'm a self-made man."

Original speaker sotto voce "A Glibertarian worships his own maker."
by al-in-chgo March 3, 2011
Graduate of one of the United States' military service academies, which operate as collegiate institutions.

Use of term is said to be especially prominent among graduates of the U.S. Naval Academy (Annapolis, Maryland).
Among U.S. military officers, they're known as "ring knockers" because they proudly wear the big, gold class rings they earned when they graduated from one of America's military academies. (TIME magazine, April 2001)
by al-in-chgo June 15, 2013
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Russian resort on the Black Sea that will be the site of the 2014 Winter Olympics.

"Considering the poor showing Team Russia made at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, they've got their work cut out for them to dominate the scene at Sochi."

by al-in-chgo March 1, 2010
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"Standing and Modeling" in one of Chicago's gay bars at a time that a less-than-convivial mood prevails.

If you mean "sadomasochism," just say "SM."
"I was at Sidetracks last night and it was pure S and M -- nobody wanted to talk to anyone."
by al-in-chgo January 26, 2013
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A fusion of AMAzon + armaGEDDON; specifically, October 13, 2017, the day the giant retailer shut down all its customer chat boards.
Becky and I used to chat all the time; but ever since Amageddon I have no way to reach her.
by al-in-chgo August 13, 2018
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