70 definitions by William

i got mad at my beoch because sh was acting hoeish at da club.
by William August 23, 2003
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a male child thats has no fucking idea of who ther fater is
my cuzian pattrick is a bastard be cuz he dont kno who his daddy is.
by William January 13, 2005
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1. Kodama
2. Causing wonder or astonishment.
Kodama is marvelous.
by William April 24, 2004
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blac haze is the don makaveli/2pac under a new alias there is no body in the world how could sound like 2pac/makaveli except 2pac himself
2pac/makaveli/blac haze they are the same person
by William December 20, 2003
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Littlebigman is a combination of symbolic words, little representing his phallic size, big denoting the size of his ego and man being a mockery of the lack thereof.
An LBM is a constantly talkative, girl-obsessed teen.
The LBM should be drug out into the street and shot after a very painful lovemaking session with a claymore antipersonnel mine.
<Eric> Using a mobile phone can slash a man's sperm count by almost a third, new research suggests.
<Eric> A study found that radiation from mobile phones appeared to have a dramatic impact not only on numbers of sperm, but also their swimming ability or "motility".
<Eric> In both cases, levels were cut by about 30%. Reductions in sperm count and motility lower the chances of conception. "
--> Littlebigman has joined #hbo
<Konrad> Hey lbm, have a cell phone?
<Littlebigman> yah
<amaroq> thank god
by William October 30, 2004
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Someone held in low regard due to their cowardice.
"Viceroy! I don't want this stunted slime in my sight again."
by William March 29, 2003
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1. Kodama
2. Of the nature of a miracle; preternatural.
Kodama is miraculous.
by William April 24, 2004
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