70 definitions by William

1. Kodama
2. Inspiring or exciting
Kodama is breathtaking.
by William April 24, 2004
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1.Obsessive Compulsive Disorder; if you have it yuo have to do certain things or have weird thoughtts believe me, I have OCD. It is the worst disorder there is.
Becausean of my OCD I have weird thoughts about my birthday and constantly have these counting patterns.
by William June 11, 2004
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1. Kodama
2. To confuse or befuddle via ones beauty.
Kodama is bewildering.
by William April 24, 2004
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A bitch mudda who is a fukka!
Hey mudda fukka wanna fuk me mudda fukka.
by William June 4, 2004
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something you would call the coolest mother fucker there is.
by William October 30, 2003
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