72 definitions by Troy

The dyslexic child named his new puppy "God."
by Troy February 6, 2003
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A term used to disribe a beautiful girl, that know doubt takes care of "downstairs"
Hey!, Look at her...some cakes!
by Troy May 3, 2003
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is a type of shifter in cars for both manual and automatic transmission. usually used in high performance cars, such as modified mustangs and camaros. you can find a B&m shifter usually being used by a guy with a mullet.
damn boy, that is a sweet ass car. you got a B&M shifter in that thing?
by Troy October 30, 2003
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To try to make something funny, only to make things go wrong; screwing things up; Ruining the fun
Bob says a joke.
Jim says a joke thats a spinoff of Bob's.
Everyone stops laughing when Jim says his joke.
by Troy December 22, 2004
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When you ejaculate in a girls mouth and push her head down really fast so she chokes and all the cum flys out her nose.

I angry dragoned that bitch and cum shot our her nose
by Troy February 20, 2003
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You ever seen those chics in the tight volleyball shorts...then you get my drift.

Also applies to the P in general if it's tight.
by Troy April 4, 2003
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To get an immediate erection from a lovely specimen of the opposite (or same) sex (whatever floats your boat).
Damn that girl in volleyball shorts gave me an instarection before I knew what happened.
by Troy April 24, 2007
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