5 definitions by Tight_pussy

Someone who takes pictures when they are swollen like fuck after lifting and upload them to look big
Jacobs friend: (scrolling trough Jacobs pictures from the gym) damn Jacob is big

Jacobs friend 2 : nah he a Facebook bodybuilder he ain't even big. He a stick
by Tight_pussy December 2, 2014
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Una persona que abusa sexualmente de los niños.
Tu I"ra ay va jose pardo"
Amigo "Ay que correrle antes de que nos viole"
by Tight_pussy January 11, 2014
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A company that will steal your money, and live you homeless.
Comcast bill "Your remaining balance is 200$"
Customer " Wow this guys are crazy"
by Tight_pussy January 11, 2014
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Overpriced headphones for overpriced phones worn by teenagers who don't know shit about music and thinks its so cool to own them. The worst thing is that apple just bought them.
After borrowing Sepo's Beats by Dre i made short trip to the dumpster and threw them in there without remorse , and proceeded to buy him a pair of Panasonic's for just 7$.... Later that day......


Sepehr " hey bro can i have my beats back"
Me " they in the dumpster where they belong."
Sepehr " (Detonates Himself) Face Book "Active 2 seconds ago"
by Tight_pussy June 4, 2014
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What Mexicans use to throw at their kids. If your parents have never thrown a Chancla at you. Then you never had a childhood.
Friend "Dude why is your eye black? Did you get beat up. "
Me" no my mom nailed me with a chancla yesterday after i told her i got a girl l pregnant,"
Friend "Damm"
by Tight_pussy January 10, 2014
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