Hi, we're Apple. An overpriced company. We made a MacBook with a light up keyboard. This calls for a $1000 prince increase :) <3
by HendrixSRV November 8, 2011
by Nooby man June 11, 2020
A $5.00 item that costs $10.00. May be of higher quality than a $4.00 item but not enough to justify it's price. Usually a fad or status item like a $500 Gucci purse.
by knowman April 13, 2008
Someone who thinks too highly of themselves, they are arrogant and usually jerks to everyone else because they are below them. In the supermarket of the world they are the cereal that is too expensive, get's soggy too fast and tastes horrible. they are not worth the price you pay too hang out with them, or in the supermarket, eat them.
by BubblegumPop! October 27, 2010
by Nigger Killer 420 June 23, 2022
Both ugly and overpriced.
by Arglebramf III January 13, 2011