15 definitions by Stupid

1. Probably one of the gayest things ever created.

2.A very stupid Lego creation if not the supidest.
"Hey my buddy just got a Bionicle"

"Hey, he's a loser"
by Stupid January 14, 2005
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a wierd show about kids vs adults using '2X4 technology". All the characters have very large hands and feet but paper thin legs and arms as well.
"hey see whats on Cartoon Network for a sec."

"Kids Next Door! Turn it before I am blind! Aaaaahh!"
by Stupid January 14, 2005
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1. the best genre of music ever.
2. the term used by posers to describe bands such as limp bizkit, korn, slipknot etc.
Poser: Yo! Did y'all hear that new slipknot album? That shit is pure metal.
Metal Head: Um nope... Did you hear that new arch enemy album? That is quality metal.
Poser: Arch Enemy?
by Stupid May 31, 2004
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2. Also the term used by mtv warped posers too describe over-simplified and desgustingly boring bands such as limp bizkit, korn, slipknot. see mallcore
Slipknot is not metal(1) they are metal(2).
There is metal(1)(Lamb of God, In Flames, Arch Enemy, Iron Maiden, Otep, Slayer, Pantera etc.) and then there is metal(2)(limp bizkit, korn, linkin park, slipknot, ewwwww)
by Stupid May 31, 2004
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1. The worst excuse for music ever to poison our generation.
2. An adjective used to describe a group or artist who would normally appear on MTV and is regarded as a complete poser.
1. Poser: Hey did you see Eminems new video on MTV?
2. Eminem is so MTV.
by Stupid May 31, 2004
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James @ sister : You Bitch---Dad Walks in
James:yes my sister is a bitcharoni
by Stupid August 25, 2003
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Straight edge (XXX-sXe)

means no drugs, no smoking, no alchochol, and no premarital sex. there are other spins saying no caffine or meat.

See edge, straight-edge, sXe}, self respect
-Wanna get really wasted and bang tonight?

-nah me and mah biznitches is straight edge
by Stupid April 15, 2005
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