27 definitions by Sheldon

A person who tries to pick up a neen.
She was twelve!? Man, like that neener tried to pick her up.
by Sheldon January 24, 2004
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A kick that isnt serious....its more like a joke......a joke kick
"It was a kick....a..a joke kick...."
by Sheldon January 28, 2004
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A question, asking if one would chuck it in the girl in question.
Sheldon - "Wouldya?"
Ang - "I dont even have a penis!! or do I?...."
by Sheldon January 27, 2004
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1 - A weed imported from the northern parts of France. Typically jagged in nature.

2 - Someone or something that makes me want to shoot up a school.

See also:
dildo that slipped through the cracks
fuck head
"I'm gonna level with you, hes a bit of a douche. Total Jagweed."
by Sheldon January 24, 2004
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