127 definitions by PartisanZ

Threatening Theatre ~ Live Theatre aka *Life Theatre* it can be EITHER/OR or BOTH ...

BOTH is all wayz BEST.
The Virtual Threatre Troupe proposed One Man Comedy Skotches* ~ with Mudiconz & Noddysenz of Tragi-Neo-Absurdism TWO, and do this at the Town Hall, hardly a satiably* urbane venew* for such a vanture*, and Stage them, using only one Social Acter* on the Edwardian raked Stage ~ the last of its "kind" in AOTEAROA New ZealLand.
by PartisanZ June 25, 2023
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Influentzed. politicized Feedom* 'Protestors', usually of the Alt-Right Faschist variety but sometimes, WHoreshoe*-like, can be Extremist Left, not true LEFT.
The 'Wellington' Protextors in New ZealLand were largely manipulated by Settler FHarmocracy* & *Market Dictatorshop* 'Forces' that WANT to Rule rather than Govern, aka Covernment* aka Faschism.
by PartisanZ March 20, 2022
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The 'freely' purchasable per-version of dictatorship or 'Market Totalitarian' Rule. Very common in the FREE World.
The Globalized, Neoliberal, Corporation State *Market Dictatorshop* Faschism* is in constant Infantile Combative Disorder aka Psycho-Sociopathic Oppositionality with the Civil State disparatively* trying to be BORN!
by PartisanZ March 20, 2022
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'Western' Egonomics destined for the 'Final Outcome' of Zombie-ism - aka Friendless Growth - which is essentially their own *FOOD* supply running out. One day there'll be only Zombies, aka 'Waste'.

Waste Humans might be something Zombies represent in Holywould & Disneylaunder portrayals of 'Dreamality'*?
The road of Zombieconomics leads to the Pollitz of Self-Extinction.
by PartisanZ July 20, 2022
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The credo of 'Greed' epitomized as Globalized, Neoliberal, Corporation State *Market Dictatorshop* Faschism aka Sheldon Wolin's 'Inverted Totalitarianism' or "managed democracy".

"There is nothing the Totalitarian Corporation State fights more fiercely than the command of Love."

Frank E Warner 'Future of Man' (London 1944)
That preople* readily accepted a Greedo of 'Greed is Good', albeit after long years of pervsuasion* & influentze* by the PR & Mass Mind-Manipulation Industry - the Advertizers* & Appertizers* - remains a wonderment to the ineffectiveness of true 'Christian' doctrine and Man's inability to regulate His own conduct, aka Natural Ethics.
by PartisanZ June 19, 2022
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Communal aka Collective Community Communion not necessarily Religious in any way whatever.
The new Garden Food Forest Surburb* movement was accompanied by an equally new and somehow 'familialar'* communional spirit of collaboracy* in all 'Kinds' of lifestyle
by PartisanZ September 17, 2022
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A revided* and Co-Governed ` Neo-Indigenous ~ PRovidivision* aka philosovariant* of Covid-Response ~ a descriptor of Covidaption* ~ the War-LIKE choice made in *PEACE* between *MONEY!* especially International Travel, Tourism & Labor Diaspora aka Eco-Culturecide ~ *NOW* ~ New ODDer* Whirled ~ now with Pathogenocidal* SPREADING tendencies ~ Ultimate Cost : Zoiacide aka *Life*Death ~ and Zoidiasosis ~ a more complicated PRosphilos* ~ Saving *Life*Itself ...

*revided = like re-sided and re-vised, a division that's been Re'd
*PRovidivision = Positively Reframed Division Provision for the purposes of GOOD* Public Relations
*Philosovariant = a new 'strain' of philosophy ~ example below ~

*Covidaption = Covid-Driven Human Rapidaption or Rapid Adaptation for Surthrival*

*ODDer = Oppositional Defiant Disorderd* ~ Opposed, for the sake of Opposition
*Pathogenocidal = Sick to Death ...

*PRosphilos = Public Relations Positively Reframed Philosophy ~ not unlike Philosovariant ... Bound to Happen in a FREE Market ... new *Right-Wing-Narrative Disruptor word # 31,001

"Provision must also be made to ensure that everyone who really has something to say, expressing new ideas or giving new form or basis to known ideas, shall be given a hearing in the right quarters."

- Frankie 'Future of Man' Warner 1944
The various Communities' of the Village were Covided about what their Town Hall should be used for
by PartisanZ July 6, 2023
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