127 definitions by PartisanZ

Fuckwit Moneyfuckturers* of Fake NewZ
I didn't see any actual evidence of WEF saying "God is Dead" and "Jesus is the original Fake News" which I'd have thought the Fakewits on YouTube might *open* their slandargument* with?

What has happened to the Human capacity to *Think*?

- Frankie 'Future of Man' Warner 1944

“To speak here of ‘property in the soil’ as one speaks of property in an article of use is to renounce thought.”
by PartisanZ November 29, 2022
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To be Freely Responsible and Responsibly Free.

"The 'Latifundia', the holding of large estates, that marked evil of Roman and later times, are not made more moral by being practised by peoples instead of individuals."

- Ernst Frankenstein (1881-1959) - German/Jewish lawyer, philosopher and international jurist - father of Natural Ethics - as Frank E Warner in 'Future of Man' (London 1944).

"To speak here of property (in the soil) as one speaks of property in an article of use is to renounce thought." - ibid
Individual freedom is inseparable from social responsibility and needs to be redefined as 'Freesponsibility'

They took freesponsibility for their actions.
by PartisanZ March 12, 2022
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Pre-emptive protection, usually right-wing and often violent
They acted irrationally out of Arch-Conservative *BroadChurch* Pretection compulsions to establish the Surveillance Zombiegonomy.
by PartisanZ November 22, 2022
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substitutable for "apart" when drawing distinctions - eg drawing aka telling things apart - where AI - Artificial Intelligence - and/or Ai* - Artificial Imagination - are involved ...Apps for short-on-Ai* - or suspected of being involved.
"I'd call it a Program-Systems' Meltdown Crisis ... and I'm not sure which comes first? Or entirely how to distinguish them appart* any more? And please, no more 'MORE'!? Appart from the games I 'like'."
by PartisanZ March 26, 2022
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Alt-FAr-Right, Globalized, Neoliberal, Corporation State *Market Dictatorshop* Zombieconomic SCHISMic politics ~ How LOW can *Democracy* STOOP!?

Equivalent of Sheldon Wolin's *Inverted Totalitarianism* aka "Managed Democracy* ~ exhibits many of the traits and 'calling cards' as Italian and German fascism and Nazism, ie the minority 'Common Enemy, Menemy, Feminenemy or Otherdenemy* ~ "DO AS YOU'RE *SOLD*!!!"
The Faschism became very real in every political 'football' realm of (so-called) *Democracy* all the way to Town Hall Committee 'grassrootz' level.
by PartisanZ July 27, 2023
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Abbreviation for Alt-FAR-Right, *Market Dictatorshop* SCHISMic Politics (Pollutics*) common in WEIRD countries aka Inverted Totalitarianism (Sheldon Wolin) aka 'Post-Modern Medievilist* Fascism'

WEIRD = Western, Educated, Industrial, Rich & (so-called) Democratic - an indicator for psychology test subjects.
The *Market Dictatorshop* Faschism *seems* to have a firm grip over the Civil State, judging from the fact that in America, the correlation between Legislation passed and 'what the people want' is precisely ZERO, ZILCH, ZIP, NUTTIN' - as determined by Larry Lessig using meta-data.

Also 'Faschist'. "In the Faschist Inversion' if you can guess how many things the Prize is, I'll sell you both of them!"
by PartisanZ March 20, 2022
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A Pre-Mixed THINK to 'consume'. A powerful 'Tool' of THe* Right-Wing Narrative Constraction*.
FIIRE-up an Ad Campain, PIN a Cocktale on it, 'Name' a Cocktail after it and call it Pregress*.
by PartisanZ June 19, 2022
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