127 definitions by PartisanZ

Tell-a-Vision atrophied, atomized, meducated* Neoliberal botomy* and bitamy* bittaMe* in the Globalized Corporation State *Market Dictatorshop* Faschism* : The Heirarchy Hierarchy *Club-&-Lodgocracy*

An extraordinarily perverse and morally ludicrous, ethically maleodious* *sort* of *Individual Freedom* completely adrift from Social & Environmental Responsibility.

The fundamental Natural Ethics choice played by Covid - "MY MONEY or Your Life!?" - has further neolobotomized a portion of the population in populism and puerolitics*.
by PartisanZ November 29, 2022
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MY Bible, witchmay* BE the Bible or any number of other tomes from which to MakeMEANING* from Words.

"We owe everything to Words because they contain everything capable of 'becoming' thought."

Jonathan Franzen & Me ~ soon a new Prez-Fi Face BOOK series ~ *Journey to the Ethics of the SEE*

“To speak here of private ‘property in the soil’ as one speaks of property in an article of use is to renounce thought.”

- Ernst Frankenstein (1881-1959) – German/Jewish lawyer, philosopher & international jurist – father of Natural Ethics – as Frank E Warner in ‘Future of Man’ (London 1944) ~ MYBLE ... and ME ... (ongoing) ...
Myble "kind" of self-perservered* understoodlOng*, PLUS +WOKEness to Church Doctrines inimical to *Life* stood me in GOOD* WOKEstead, Long-Ago, for *NOW* = Nothic Order World ~ THe NeoGothic Viz-e-Goth WANTworld of *Private Property in the Soil* ~ and Private PRepparty* in the Oil? When WE could have Principled, *PEACE*, Prosparity* ... Ѱ

~ PartisanZ ~ A Natural Ethics World, or I dissent.
by PartisanZ June 25, 2023
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Healthy Heathenism, usually requiring prolonged contact with Nature/Natural Ethics - viz -

"If all Life is sacrosanct aka sacred or holy, with equal rights to and equally worthy of development, then Love requires an *ORDER* by which the development of each and every one is possible."

- Ernst Frankenstein (1881-1959) – German/Jewish lawyer, philosopher & international jurist – father of Natural Ethics – as Frank E Warner in ‘Future of Man’ (London 1944)

- Healthen Christians are the ones who require no Church, because EVERYTHING IS. The NOTribe.
The DenstinyZZZ Churchers* probably think the same of the Healthen Hordes as they think *they* are Heathen Whoreds*

Pervseption is *Tribal* -in the modern and ancient and everything inbetween Senszces of the Word.
by PartisanZ June 11, 2023
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Usually an 'austere' Nanny State that's ultimately compliant with the Corporation State's Franchise Democracy *Market Dictatorshop* Faschism, or Granocracy* would be a lot more generous.
Governanny ultimately proved far better and safer than Governinny*, which became the Realm of the Right and perished in *Market CHAOS*. The people all went with them - the Preople or Pre-Human People - who had 'Blown It'. Damn!
by PartisanZ June 30, 2022
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The State we arrive at when we "Made our Love on WasteLand, and through the Barricades" - Spandau Ballet.

Divided Survival.

"Yet a State could be imagined that would satisfy the stringent demands of Natural Ethics and Morality"

- Warner 'Future of Man' 1944 - who meant 'Natural Morality'.
After 1984 and the Organized Corporation Dispec* takeover of the State, the State became increasingly divisurvived and divisurvived more-and- more, almost daily in the Schemedia* Newtertrainment* Indostroy*, including promoting divisurvivalists sometimes into short-term-star-gang prospects.
by PartisanZ March 26, 2022
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The modern equivalent to a codpiece, achieved when applying braiding, embroidery or decorative fabric to cover the sewn-up broken fly of a pair of trousers, usually 'Mens'. A form of Cross-Cycling.
It took some time to become accustomed to not using the modpiece on my trousers for the fly's original purpose, but the decoration certainly attracted roving eyettention* and, as originally hoped, saved a bunch of money not replacing the zip as WELL.
by PartisanZ August 2, 2022
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Capital & Capitalist Apocalypse - unnecessary from the PoV of human advancement but seems irremediably attached to a model of 'Economic Development'

"We might conceive of a different "kind" of money, allotted equally to all and only current for a certain time, which cannot be stored-up as capital."

Frankie 'Future of Man' Warner (1944).

As distinquished* from America's 6 Jan Capitolypse*.
The third 'Whorseman'* of Climate Change Cataclysm Crises was the Globalized, Neoliberal, Corporation State *Market Dictatorshop* Faschism's Financial Murkets* Capitalypse
by PartisanZ May 28, 2022
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