17 definitions by MrDylanyay

Person 1: Do you want to eat at OFC?
Person 2: What is OFC?
Person 1: Obama Fried Chicken

Person 2: Hell YEAH
by MrDylanyay March 29, 2016
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A website that is owned by Google that has absolutely terrible copyright rules, thanks to the DMCA.
Guy1: I got a copyright strike on YouTube for playing a copyrighted song for 3 seconds.
Guy2: YouTube has some of the worst copyright rules.
Guy2: I agree
by MrDylanyay June 19, 2016
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A homosexual of Asian decent

A gaysian can be either male or female
The Gaysian was being raped by the almighty Faglord, Jacob Santorius
by MrDylanyay November 27, 2016
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