48 definitions by Metalhead83

A small boring 4 cylinder car made by Chevy from 1976-1987. This was the car for the ultimate cheapskate. It was meant to replace the Vega in the small car line up, but was still just as crappy. Mid 70's models included a "woodie" version with fake wood trim usually seen on stationwagons. And there was also a bare bones "scooter" version which didn't even have a backseat or a glove compartment. In 1979 the Chevette was given a minor face lift with square head lights, and it stayed the same until 1987 when it was replaced by the badge-engineered "Geo" brand of General Motors.
Kid1: I bet my little red wagon could go faster then then that crappy Chevy Chevette!!
Kid2: LMAO, I bet!! Even my Moms Pacer looks better then that crap box!!
by Metalhead83 September 10, 2011
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A district in Wilmington, Delaware that is south of the Christiana river. Quite possibly the worst neighborhood in the entire state. Very very ghetto, full of porch-monkeys, and burnt out town-houses. Has more abandoned houses then people actually living in them. The people there all live on welfare or sell/do drugs before ending up in prison. Avoid this area at all costs.
Fred: I got lost in Wilmington and ended up in Southbridge!! Some gangbanger tried to sell me crack!
Dwayne: Shit, that must of been scary!
by Metalhead83 August 23, 2011
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A chain DVD/CD store, where you can never find what you're looking for. They are located in alot of Malls, and usually charge an arm and a leg for crap that's worth about 3 bucks on amazon.com. They tend to cater to the younger generation so most CD's and movies are "new" stupid tween crap. They also sell useless novelty items and used Movies/CD's that stop working after awhile. To sum it up perfectly, this place sucks.
Manny: Yo dudes, I went to Newbury Comics looking for several Metal albums, but all I saw was Justin Bieber shit, and a bunch of Crap!! Wtf is that all about?
Bruce: That store is a rip off. I was looking at Judas Priest albums there that costed 15 bucks!!! So I ordered it online and got it much cheaper.
Jake: Whatever ya'll do, don't buy there cheap used shit. I was watchin' a DVD last night that just stopped working.
by Metalhead83 August 28, 2011
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A terrible TV series that came out in the mid 90's and ended in 2007 (finally). Focusing on the lives of the Camden family in some made up California town. The cast were all physically attractive goody two shoes types, that wore over done make up, and the plots always focused around learning some lesson, and then everything is back to normal. It was basically one of those "we have some minor problem now" but "everything will end well" type shows. Totally unrealistic, aimed to young kids, and if they actually think families act like the Camdens in real life, then they're very dumb.
7th Heaven was just terrible. The blond haired kid Simon was a total twerp who'd get beaten up in real life. Lucy and Mary both dressed like skanks and wore way to much make up, and as for Ruthie she was an annoying brat who went the same way as her sisters as she grew up. I'm convinced the only good character was the family dog, haha.
by Metalhead83 February 24, 2012
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The Menthol cigarette all the wiggers and black gangstas smoke, refered to in slang as "Newps". They are high in Nicotine and Tar, and have had rumors of having fiberglass in them.
Jamal: Yo Wayne, be a brotha an' lemme get a Newp!
Lamar: I switched from Newport to Kools, mah nigga! Dem Newps wus givin' me a sore throat!!
by Metalhead83 November 16, 2011
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An underated car made by Chrysler Co. First appeared in the 20's. In the late 50's, it was sold as it's own model to compete with Cadillac and Lincoln. It failed though, due to obvious reasons. There was no seperate "Imperial" dealership. Imperials were sold in Chrysler dealerships, and customers thought of them as a higher priced Chrysler with a different badge. Poor quality was another factor, as they had rust and mechanical problems. By 1964, the Imperial ditched it's outdated rust prone 50's style for the nicer boxy look similar to the Lincoln Continental. This body style was used in the 2011 movie "The Green Hornet". 1964-1968 were probably the best years for the make. 1969-1973 models were quite impressive looking too, with huge grills, and a sleek fuselage bodystyle. 1974 introduced an even bigger body style that came out at the wrong time. With the gas crisis in full swing, Chrysler decided not to waste anymore time on an already failing marque. So the last Imperial was made in 1975.

Several attempts to resurect the name have happened, what with the 1981-1983 bustle back coupe that nobody liked. And the 1990-1993 boring small 4 door sedan that looked like all other Chrysler cars at the time.
Max: I just saw "The Green Hornet" at the movie theatre. Dude....that black car was fuckin' awesome. What was it, a Lincoln??
Pat: It was a 1964 Imperial Crown. The Black Beauty...One bad ass ride!
by Metalhead83 August 26, 2011
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Anti-Social usually refers to Social Anxiety. It is a word that got a bad name due to the many psycho's and insane people committing crimes (see Anti-Social Personality Disorder). This is false, though. There are plenty of sane Anti-Social people in the world. Many are just SHY, and have poor social skills. They just do not know how to talk to people and express themselves or any emotions.

Being Anti-Social usually starts in early childhood. It can be the persons own choice, which means they are happy on their own. Or it can happen without it being under their control. Moving from place to place, not holding down any friendships, and of course living in a rural area can make a person unfamiliar around people. Another aspect can be negative incidents from the past that make a person have Social Anxiety.
Being Anti-Social and having Social Anxiety can be treated by Psychologists and many people can live a normal life. I have this disorder, and no I am not a creepy sociopath soley because I don't party everynight with 20 different people. The world thinks we are freaks, but we are NOT.
by Metalhead83 January 9, 2012
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