24 definitions by MastaRoe

A posture characterized by clenched fists, slightly bent arms at the sides, eyes forward, scowl on face, and chest thrust out sometimes accompanied by strutting. Often assumed by guys when they’re either trying to impress a female or assert alpha male status. Can be seen frequently at bars, weight rooms, swimming pools, co-ed sports events, and other such places where there is likely to be a gathering of both males and females. Typically employed by jocks, frat boys, and various other assholes.
Oh no, here comes Jim. I hate seeing him when there are females around because he gets all puffy-chested and turns into a giant dick.

You ever noticed how when it's just guys lifting in here Bill is alright, but if there's girls in here he goes puffy-chest and tries to lift twice as much weight.

See how Joe just struts around the pool and never actually gets in? He's got puffy-chest.
by MastaRoe April 24, 2011
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One of the most successful high school football teams ever. Because of their success Smith Center has gained national recognition several times in the past few years. Many people believe the Redmen abuse steroids and continue to perpetuate that rumor. However those people are typically whiney crybaby bitch-boys who are tired of getting beaten by the awesome fury that is the Redmen. In fact if those people spent as much time practicing, lifting weights, and studying game films as they spend making excuses and sucking each other off they might win a game every once in a while. Ironically, Smith Center's boys basketball team (made up of many football players) was for years among the worst in the league. Thereby refuting the steroids argument. Many teams accuse the Redmen of "playing dirty" and intentionally hurting opponents by "hitting too hard". But it turns out that football is a CONTACT SPORT and hitting is actually part of the game. If those teams wanted to play touch football (clothes optional) they should have formed their own pansy ass league.
Guy 1: Dude, the Smith Center Redmen only win because they're on steroids.

Guy 2: Doesn't that mean that everyone who's beaten them is also on steroids?

Guy 1: No, the teams that beat the Redmen do so because they work hard.

Guy 2: But the Redmen work hard too, they lift weights and train all year around. They adhere to a code of conduct and honor and are taught to work together. You can't just chalk it up to steroids.

Guy 1: No, they're just on steroids.

Guy 2: You're a fucking idiot.

Guy 1: Making excuses is easier than working hard.

Guy 2: Being a Redman is easier than being a pussy.
by MastaRoe February 6, 2010
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Spanish for "much badasstic". Used to describe the level of badassedness above normal but below "Maximum Badassiticity".

Used in a video titled, “The Top Five Things With Which Jason Bourne Could Beat Your Ass” along with Badassery, Badassedness, Badassity, Badasstic, Badassical, Badassitudinous, Badassitious, and Badassiticity
After beating a man’s ass with a rolled-up magazine and killing him, Jason Bourne unscrewed the man’s gas main and jammed the aforementioned rolled-up magazine into the man’s toaster. In time it caught fire and ignited the gas in the house, which Jason Bourne used as cover to make his escape. This, you see, is the next level of badass i.e. Mucho Badasstico.
by MastaRoe July 3, 2011
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A facsimile of a manager who mindlessly follows orders from upper management regardless of how ridiculous, arbitrary, contradictory, or counterproductive they may be. If an employee attempts to point out the flaws in one of an MD’s painfully short-sighted and dim-witted decisions, an MD will either continuously repeat one of their several pre-programmed phrases until the employee gives up on the argument, or they will respond with only a blank stare that seems to say “error, file not found.” To say that a MD is a puppet is to insult the freethinking and decision-making abilities of a puppet. MD's have absolutely no job-related skills or people skills. They are often seen wandering aimlessly among employees and customers. If asked for help, they will automatically find the nearest employee and make them help the customer so as to appear preoccupied and attempt to conceal their monumental incompetence. Many times MD's will turn to employees for help with things that should in fact be required of management to know. They will also sometimes steal ideas of employees and make them their own usually after telling the employees the ideas were not feasible. They are the source of all miscommunication, stress, failures, and negativity in the workplace, yet are never fired. MD's can be found in nearly every major corporation and, like roaches, will probably never be totally eradicated. Not to be confused with actual (good) managers.
MD: Hey, why isn't Bill here?
Employee: Why are you asking me? Didn't you make the schedule? If he called in it's not like he'd talk to me, he'd have to talk to you.
MD: But, where is he?
Employee: I don't know! Anyway it doesn't matter, he's not here.
MD: But he should be, shouldn't he?
Employee: I give up.

MD: We're going to put labels on the items we're selling near this display.
Employee: Hey, I had that idea a month ago. You told me it would look tacky.
MD: *blank stare*

MD: I need you to stay late because we're getting busy. You have to take a long lunch though so you don't get any overtime.
Employee: I wouldn't have to do that if you'd let me go early when we're not busy instead of giving me a bunch of meaningless busy work.
MD: Yeah... well we need you to stay late because we're busy. You have to take--
Employee: SHUT UP! You're the reason people get shot at work by disgruntled employees.

Employee 1: There goes Pete, isn't he a manager?
Employee 2: No, he's just a management drone. Get Sherri, she's an actual manager.
by MastaRoe March 6, 2011
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To prevent coworkers from receiving a cheap incentive (often free donuts) proposed by their employer in exchange for being “accident free” for a prescribed period of time. Such miniscule incentives often inadvertently encourage employees not to report potentially serious injuries and not to visit doctors on the company’s dime, for fear of hostility of coworkers who have by now begun to value such incentives above each other’s well-being.
Guy 1: Ouch, I think I cut my hand. I’m going to have to report it to management.
Guy 2: Oh great, now we’re going to be back to 0 days accident free. Way to fuck up the donuts!

Guy 1: Yeah she slipped and fell. It broke her neck.
Guy 2: So what? We were only 3 days away from free donuts and she fucked it up.
Guy 1: Here come the EMTs with her now.
Guy 2: Way to fuck up the donuts, lady! Thanks a lot!

Guy 1: Dude, you’re bleeding like a stuck pig!
Guy 2: I’ll be fine. Just give me some paper towels and duct tape. Hurry, before a manager sees this and makes me report it. I don’t want to fuck up the donuts.
by MastaRoe July 10, 2011
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The intense thoughts in one’s head, often due to anxiety, stress, or elation, which seem to be louder than and may cause one to be unresponsive to one’s environment.
“Be home by ten.” “What?” “I said be home by ten.” “Sorry, I’m so excited for tonight I couldn’t hear you over my head noise.”

“The teacher said you only have to study the first two chapters.” “He never said that!” “Yeah he did, he was standing right by you when he said it.” “Oh, I don’t know why I didn’t hear that part. I’m so stressed about this assignment.” “I guess your head noise drowned him out.”

“Hmm, what?” “Seriously dude? We’ve been talking to you for like 5 minutes.” “Sorry, I was daydreaming. The head noise was up full blast.”
by MastaRoe July 10, 2011
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People whose posts in public forums, in the interest of saving time (at most a matter of seconds), are severely abbreviated and mispunctuated (often via a quickpost application) to the point where they are barely intelligible, if at all. Sometimes these people cannot spell or read to begin with, and they insist on using slang and/or all caps. The nightmarish "finished product" of such posts may actually cause the astute reader to experience migraines and epileptic seizures. I first heard the term used by OwlHoot on sci.tech-archive.net.
neobrat quickpost cryptic 1: 4xampl,thos who rite lik this.u get it,the worse of the worse,tho there r
other xampls not as bad.want more neobrat quickpost virtuosities sent 2 u? (OwlHoot)

by MastaRoe October 16, 2010
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