24 definitions by MastaRoe


Of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a badass.

Used in a video titled, “The Top Five Things With Which Jason Bourne Could Beat Your Ass” along with Badassery, Badassedness, Badassity, Badasstic, Badassical, Badassitudinous, Mucho Badasstico, and Badassiticity
Jason Bourne disarmed a man who had a kitchen knife using only a rolled-up magazine. That was badassitious!
by MastaRoe July 3, 2011
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1. Another term for “ass kissing” or “brown nosing”. It means to pander to the emotions of a superior in hopes the superior will reward the subordinate with raises, promotions, special privileges, and the like. It is a disgusting thing to watch.
2. Another term for “sucking” or being “sorry”, particularly in the context of video games.

Inspired by Mia X’s rap on the song “Ghetto Symphony”.
Look at Dave laughing with the boss. I’m so sick of his dick kissin'.

Oh man! I’m already near the finish line and you’re still at the first turn dick kissin'.
by MastaRoe July 10, 2011
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1. Another term for a woman's vagina, made popular in the song, "Spin the Bottle"

2. A mixed drink consisting of Tequila Rose strawberry cream liqueur and red-cap Tvarscki vodka to suit
1. "...pink fun so wet that my thang is slippin'..."

2. "I just mixed a glass of Pink Fun, you want one?" "No way dude, I'm not gay!" "This is stronger that the lame shit you drink, now who's gay?"
by MastaRoe April 10, 2010
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A town in north central Kansas whose population is under 2000 people. It's a good place to live if you enjoy being bored off your ass. Those who are good at sports and/or are related to members of the Chamber of Commerce, City Council, and School Board find growing up in Smith Center to to be quite enjoyable. Everyone else describes the experience as being akin to that of Hester Prynne in The Scarlet Letter. There are a few good teachers there but the High School prefers to employ coaches who try to squeeze in a little teaching on the side. Most residents have nothing better to do than pry in other people's business. People there will be nice to your face for the most part, but they will talk shit on you the minute you turn your back. Also, if you're ever there be sure to visit one of the 75 churches.

Home of the Smith Center Redmen
Guy 1: Dude are you from Smith Center, KS?

Guy 2: Yeah. I was good at sports so I slept through school and still graduated.

Guy 1: I'm from there too. One time a teacher told me to sit in the colored section.

Guy 2: After I graduated I realized I was destined to fail at life so I stayed there where people still think I'm awesome.

Guy 1: I left and never looked back. Now I'm successful and happy.
by MastaRoe February 6, 2010
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An umbrella term used for any and all types of off-brand, low-grade audio equipment.
Everybody was hanging out with their systems going then Tom pulled up bumping his Schwanks. What a loser.

Wow, those are some homemade looking speakers you got. What are those, Schwanks?

Whatever, your beats are so lame you couldn't get sponsored by Schwank Audio.
by MastaRoe April 24, 2011
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Jack Back

1. To steal something back from someone who stole from you (i.e. jacked you).

2. To jump, attack, or otherwise harm in retaliation for the same thing having been done to you.

Popularized by the rap song of the same name.
Guy 1: Hey, there goes that dude who stole my Cd's

Guy 2: Did he lock his car door?

Guy 1: No, let's hit him with a jack back!
by MastaRoe March 17, 2010
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A male in their early twenties to late thirties who is thus technically an adult but has the mentality of a ten-year-old boy. Rather than being a productive member of society, i.e. seeking employment and paying taxes, he chooses to live with his parents, sit on his ass, play video games, and talk shit on the internet. He thinks people who slave away at jobs they hate all day are fools, but, in fact, when his parents either die or kick his sorry ass into the street and he realizes he has the survival skills of a disfigured newborn baby bird, he'll see the joke is on him.

Also known as a 30-Year-Old Boy.
Productive member of society: Why don't you grow up and move out of your parents' house?
Ten-Year-Old Man: Because I don't have to and I know how good I have it. You shouldn't have moved out, dummy-head!
Productive member of society: Right, enjoy having to be quiet after 10pm and asking for gas money to drive to the mall and drool over girls who are by now half your age.

Ten-Year-Old Man: I don't know what my problem is with girls.
Productive member of society: Gee, let me think, oh maybe it's because you're a 25-year-old man who still lives at home.
Ten-Year-Old Man: What's wrong with that? I save money that way.
Productive member of society: Girls want someone who can actually provide for himself, not someone who's too scared to leave the nest. Also, if the opportunity to have sex DID present itself, they don't want to have it on your parents' couch.

Ten-Year-Old Man: How do you do dishes?
Productive member of society: What do you mean, don't you do dishes at home?
Ten-Year-Old Man: No, my mom does them.
Productive member of society: Your mom? Aren't you like 30 years old? No wonder nobody likes you.
Ten-Year-Old Man: Oh yeah, log on to World of Warcraft and say that shit!
Productive member of society: Whatever, loser.
by MastaRoe March 6, 2011
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