33 definitions by Klopek007

A specific type of transvestite, the executive transvestite is a male that likes to dress in women's clothing when the mood strikes, which can be quite often for some and more intermittent for others. The style of dress is more conservative than other types of transvestites, and thus will generally not include mini-skirts or revealing tops. Most are heterosexual, and can often best be described as male lesbians, whereas other varieties of transvestites are often sexually confused and ambiguous. As such, executive transvestites are generally less feminine than other transvestites, and the lifestyle can be metaphorically described as "running, jumping, climbing trees, and putting on make-up while you're up there."
Eddie Izzard is an excellent example of an executive transvestite, which is at the opposite end of the spectrum as the classic "fucking weirdo transvestite."
by Klopek007 January 25, 2010
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A musician of ambiguous gender, currently in direct competition with Susan Boyle for the title of Most Attractive New Singing Star. Boyle obviously has the edge on talent, but in terms of looks it's dead even.
I can't decide which of my senses is most offended by Lady Gaga: hearing or vision.
by Klopek007 February 22, 2010
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It's your standard garden variety "lesbian gay bi transgender" but minus the transgender.

A small but savvy minority of LGB people recognize that LGB causes are not the same as transgender causes. The former has to do with sexual orientation, the latter has to go with gender identity regardless of sexual orientation. People who support this view do not think that transgendered people should have no rights, but simply that they have nothing to do with LGB rights, and therefore oppose the use of the term LGBT and the countless other variants with all sorts of different letter combinations on the end.

The most outspoken proponent of this view is John Aravosis. He has pointed out that LGB activists have been trying to pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) for 30+ years, and just when it actually had a chance of finally passing in 2007, they tacked on the T to make LGBT, and then it had no chance of passing. Thus, the initialism LGBT (and any other unnecessarily long variant) has actually held back LGB rights.
Person A: Do you support LGBT causes?

Person B: No, I support LGBT minus T causes.
by Klopek007 March 24, 2010
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NON-BIASED DEFINTION: In recent years, in the U.S. only, a blue state has come to mean a state that traditionally votes Democrat, as opposed to a red state which traditionally votes Republican.

In the past, media would use maps with red for one party and blue for the other, with no set standard. The current trend was set during the 2000 Presidential election, when NBC used it. The race was very close, and because of this, Tim Russert was often heard to say things like "Bush needs x more red states in order to win, and Gore needs x more blue states in order to win." Because the coverage was being watched so intently by so many people, the color scheme stuck, and is now used by all networks.

What many people don't realize is that this color scheme is actually the opposite of traditional political colors. Red has always been associated with socialism and communism (i.e. extreme forms of liberalism) as seen on flags of countries such as the P.R.C., the U.S.S.R., and the D.P.R.K. On the other hand, blue is most often associated with conservatism, and sometimes facism (i.e. the extreme form of conservatism). Most nations still use this color scheme.

It may be that NBC assigned these colors at random, or it may be because Republican and red both start with R. Neither party has officially adopted these colors. This color scheme has often led to confusion when residents of other countries see a political map of the U.S. or hear Americans discussing red states versus blue states.
When I hear the term "blue state" I automatically think of the United States or the United Kingdom, not New York or California. And when I hear "red state" I think of China or North Korea, not Texas or Utah. It's such a pet peeve that the U.S. got red state and blue state backwards!
by Klopek007 November 11, 2009
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The WBC is a wretched hive of scum and villainy, they are loathsome vermin who cast a vile light on mainstream Christianity. Some people even associate them with other Christians (see WBC-itis), although it's important to note that the WBC rejects, and is rejected by, all other denominations. They claim that God hates, while other Christian denominations teach that God loves exclusively.

People call them a hate group that opposes homosexuals. In fact, they're so much more than that. In their demented minds, everyone who isn't a member of their church is either a "fag" or "fag enabler" with absolutely no exceptions. Everyone but them is going straight to hell, and God hates everyone but them.

Not only do they celebrate and disrupt the funerals of homosexuals, but they also do the same for members of the American Military who are killed in action. The irony, of course, is that the American Military are the very reason that these asswipes have the First Amendment right to spew their disgusting hate speech everywhere, and therefore they owe the military an enormous debt of gratitude, as do we all.
The Westboro Baptist Church is perhaps the sickest and most evil group that operates within the law in this day and age. They are a putrid, infected, cancerous pustule on our great country.

At the exact opposite end of the spectrum is the FFRF, or Freedom From Religion Foundation, who seek to ban religion, and mock those who believe. Frankly, it's a shame that we can't throw these two extremist hate groups into an arena until they all end up killing each other.
by Klopek007 March 3, 2010
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A term used by:
-Girls who can't accept the fact that they're overweight.
-Guys who don't want to admit that they're attracted to fat girls.
-And anyone who's in denial about the fact that America has the highest obesity rate in the world, so we invent asinine terms like this so that fat people think it's ok to be fat, and pretend to be happy about being fat.
That girl calls herself "thickalicious" but her BMI (body mass index) tells us that she's "clinically obese". She should stop living in denial, go on a diet, and use the money she saves on food to buy some jogging shoes or a stairmaster or something.
by Klopek007 May 19, 2008
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An example of political correctness run amok. The idea is to replace the terms BC and AD (Before Christ and Anno Domini) with the secular terms BCE and CE (Before Common Era and Common Era). Common Era may also be referred to as Christian Era or Current Era.

The change is completely pointless, except to placate the politically correct crowd. The numbering of years is kept the same, but the terms are changed to avoid association with Christianity, and evidentily pretend like the numbering of years started arbitrarily. The numbering comes from the estimated birth of Jesus. For the sake of ease and convenience, the entire world has adopted the Christian calender, regardless of what religion or non-religion we all are, so why pretend otherwise?

If the politically correct crowd really wants to make a completely secular calender, then we'd also have to do away with the names of the months (Roman Paganism), having seven days a week (Judaism), and re-number the years by placing year 1 somewhere different than it is now (Christianity).
Don't try to tell me to use that BCE and CE crap. It's BC and AD, regardless of what you believe or disbelieve. If you don't like it, then feel free to persuade the entire population of the world to adopt a brand new, completely overhauled calender.
by Klopek007 March 3, 2010
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