108 definitions by Jared

A person who knows his way around the internet with ease. The ultimate web-surfer.
The airwalker surfed the net in lightning speed!
by Jared May 30, 2003
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n. A drunken gnome known for balligerant behavior

adj. Of or relating to behavior reflective of chronic drunkedness
When joe gets about a dozen shots of Jaegermeister in him, he becomes quite binkus.
by Jared June 13, 2003
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n.: short for "police presence." Used in reference to the close vicinity of a police officer, police cruiser, or any other law enforcement unit
by Jared March 27, 2005
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(1) A variation of basketball in which a player uses his erect penius to dribble the ball, and makes such a huge fart that when he puts the ball on his anus and aims for the hoop, he has a chance of getting 2 or 3 points.
(2) Two gay men rubbing the heads of their peniuses together while watching "Queer as Folk" on Showtime.
(1) Dude, yesterday, I was playing cocksketball with John, and I have gashes on my penius!
(2) I ran into Jack and Joey playing Cocksketball with eachother. I didn't know we had showtime.
by Jared February 22, 2005
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CCBeast is a striking marvelous person of all amazingness. She is incredible in every aspect and deserves the earth she walks on to be cherished for generations to come!
by Jared October 30, 2004
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confused with communism, which doesn't work, this however can work very well with a mix of capitalism and democracy, it is a more equal economic system where the poor can become rich, whenever this comes up in a conversation someone eventually says it didn't work in russia
I think socialism is a..
Didn't work in russia
No, thats communism, this is differ...
Didn't work in cuba
Your not listening to me, Im talking about something completely different!
by Jared October 19, 2003
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