70 definitions by Jaggo

Ephedrine tablets available in any fine truck stop.

See Yellowjackets or Trucker Speed.
Dude, I used to take mini-thins all the time, and then my heart exploded!
by Jaggo March 22, 2004
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A completely fat-assed individual, obese.
Dude, I would never fuck your mom on account of her being a goddamn obe.
by Jaggo March 22, 2004
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An arrogant prick that needs dispensing.
Dude, Im gonna kick Sumfuck in the teeth.
by Jaggo March 21, 2004
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The front point of a hemroller, i.e. Truggo.
Dude, I just got scagged for drinking beer in Mill Valley.
by Jaggo March 21, 2004
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high-quality hooch, shine, moonshine, or homemade booze.
Dude, Crow Jane makes the best white jesus in the whole Ukelore Valley.
by Jaggo March 23, 2004
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A claim one can make as long as they are not a white male.
Dude, I can't really argue my point intellectually, so I will call it hateful.
by Jaggo March 21, 2004
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Extremely necessary to have a gay row.
Dude, we can't have a gay row with out a bagass!
by Jaggo March 22, 2004
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