36 definitions by GAWII

TV spelled out phonetically. Used by morons who apparently aren't aware that TV isn't a word, it's an abbreviation for the word television.
"On your paper here, you wrote "teevee". Why did you spell it that way?"
"Herp derp isn't that how it's spelled?"
"(facepalm)...No. It's just spelled TV. The letter T, then the letter V. That's it."
by GAWII September 11, 2012
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The twin brother of Allah. Unlike Allah, Ballah is not all powerful. He considers himself more of an "ideas guy". The Allah Ballah brothers used to be inseparable, but now the two rarely talk after having a falling out. According to Ballah, Allah stole his idea to create the universe. He does admit it was Allah who actually went through with the plan, he just feels he should get more credit.
One should always praise Allah because Allah is great; and respect Ballah, he's pretty good.
by GAWII May 4, 2021
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A term that was created when someone misheard the expression prank call.

Since the debut of the show Crank Yankers, the name has stuck. This is unfortunate since "crank" call doesn't make any sense.
Person 1: Dude the other day we made a bunch of crank calls, it was hilarious!

Person 2: You made what? You mean PRANK calls, right?

Person 1: Prank call? ... Huh, I guess you're right.
by GAWII March 19, 2008
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Rape committed by someone known to the victim. Ie, not a complete stranger.

The term Date Rape was coined back in the day, when people believed "real" rape was only when the man used a knife, gun or beat the woman half to death.

Nowadays people understand that no means no, and if a guy forces sex on a girl, regardless of whether he threatens violence or hits her, it's called rape. The term date rape has outlived its usefulness.
Date rape is a specific type of rape.
by GAWII July 11, 2008
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Date rape is an archaic term from a past time.

The definition of date rape: Rape committed by a person known to the victim. That's it. RAPE committed by someone who is NOT a complete stranger to the victim.

Many people nowadays might find this confusing. "Isn't that just rape?" they might ask? Well when the term date rape was coined, no it wasn't. 40, 30, even 20 years ago, what society deemed as rape was a man coming out of a dark alley and forcing sex on a woman with the use of violence; or at least with the strong threat of violence. That act was what society deemed as rape, and if the man was caught he would likely go to prison. Now, what if a woman went to a man's house to have a cup of coffee after a date? If he forced sex on her, even with her pleading him to stop, was that rape? At that time no it was not. If the woman went to the police, all she would likely hear are things like "You were coming on to him, he couldn't help himself." If the case even went to court she would practically be put on trial herself, the defense claiming that she was a slut and the man was just showing her a good time.

It's true. If the man didn't have a knife or beat the woman half to death, clearly it wasn't rape. That's what society believed.

So the term date rape was created. To describe an event of non-consensual sex which didn't fit society's "traditional" view of rape. BUT... today the term is outdated. "Date rape" is now simply considered rape.
I vote the term date rape be stricken from the lexicon. It's outlived its usefulness.
by GAWII February 6, 2019
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Infantry grunts for the Navy.

The United States Marine Corps is part of the US Navy, despite the Marines' fervent claims to the contrary, and despite the fact their paychecks clearly state "Department of the Navy", not "USMC".

Marines serve two functions: 1) Catching bullets 2)Poking mines with a stick. When there is a battle where heavy casualties are expected, the Marines are sent in... to be grist for the mill.
Guy 1: I'm a Marine. Oohrah!
Guy 2: Oh, you're in the Navy.
Guy 1: What? Fuck you! I'm no swabbie fag! I'm a goddamn Marine!
Guy 2: I know. The Marines are part of the Navy, didn't you know that?
by GAWII May 8, 2008
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A campaign that pushes the idea that any african-american who reports any crime whatsoever to the police is a traitor. Quite popular in the gangster rap scene. This has been very effective in reinforcing the racist stereotype that all black people are criminals.
Maybe instead of "Stop snitching", the motto should be "Stop committing crimes".
by GAWII March 2, 2008
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