112 definitions by Eddy

The mortal enemy of anarchists. They must fight it at all costs.
Oh great. The fascists are back. Anyone willing to take them on?
by Eddy December 23, 2003
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Cartoon Network's orginal cartoons, usually highly over-played
Dexter's Lab is a Cartoon Cartoon that is on way too much
by Eddy October 19, 2003
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You lost my days work? I'm gonna F your A!

Guy: Hey babe, let's get kinky.
Girl: OK... F my A big guy!
by Eddy September 11, 2007
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People Excusing Terrorist Acts. Violent extremists who will stop at nothing to force their minority views upon the majority (fascism). They commit acts of terrorism such as destroying others property, uttering death threats, and even killing animals in their attempts to force their views upon others. It is such hypocrisy and stupidity that their own people killed and mutilated a seal, on film, in an attempt to defame legitimate hunters and shock people into their hypocritical viewpoint.

Humans are classified under the animal kingdom, ergo humans are animals too. Yet many PETA members can't see the irony of their unethical treatment of fellow humans (animals).
Moron: Hey guess what, I just joined PETA!

Normal Thinking Person: What?!? You realise they are hypocritical terrorist! They killed and mutilated seals needlessly to try and sway others to ban the seal hunt, even if it means northern hunters will starve! They destroy others property and threaten their lives. How ethical is that?

Moron: Uh... oh... I guess I got caught up in all their emotional hype and never thought about it. Please don't tell anyone I shit out my brains and joined PETA.
by Eddy December 31, 2008
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Derogatory term for old women. Pun on actress Goldie Hawn's name. Popularized by Simpson's character Comic Book Store Guy.
Agnes Skinner (cutting in front): Out of my way tubby!

Comic Book Store Guy: Oh PARDON me OLDIE hawn!
by Eddy June 21, 2007
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A SCHEME by the rich to continue their polluting guilt free, while the poor will have to make sacrifices for the environment so the rich can continue to pollute.

A SCAM because there is no independent auditing/verification the scheme is helping the environment.
Anyone can sell carbon credits, but how can it be verified they performed the promised tasks? How much was actually spent on reducing carbon emmisions?

Screw the environment, I'm gonna carbon credit my way to becoming a billionaire!
by Eddy August 5, 2007
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