11 definitions by Coolio

to have or inflict a massive head wound
That motherfucker tried to JFK me so I cut him up.
by Coolio October 2, 2003
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Best 50-60 pker in all of RuneScape. Even better than the legendary i luk3 i
I log from xb0ngx. I also x from xb0ngx.
by Coolio August 24, 2004
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other words: chongo via barbella, andrew T. muscels. faggot lord. Mega-mingo, bondage master, idiot.
These creaturs are mostly found in gyms or bondage factories. friends include machine and other assorted total faggots. has life time subscription to flex and power rangers monthly
by Coolio April 17, 2003
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/N/ One that has a face consisting of solid excretion of the anus, and is the master of all the is and related to the male genitalia.
"I hate you, you stupid shit-faced cockmaster, I think your mother went to school on raising shit-faced cockmasters, that is why you are such a shit-faced cockmaster... thank you."
by Coolio January 17, 2004
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A computer disease that is created by 35 year old fat men who still haven't moved out of there mother's basement.
by Coolio October 17, 2003
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The name of people, you don't wanna mess with.
That there is, George Roulston's house, don't mess with him!
by Coolio September 11, 2003
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The coolest guy ever he has sex every single day with countless women (hot women).
by Coolio November 10, 2004
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