6 definitions by Gwank
Surname of French singer Edith Piaf, born circa 1914 dies circa 1963.
Famous songs include Milord and Non Je Ne Regrette Rien.
Famous songs include Milord and Non Je Ne Regrette Rien.
by Gwank July 5, 2004
Noun: masturbation (male).
Derived from the phrase 'I am off to pull my penis'. Shortened to I'm off for a pullma.
Derived from the phrase 'I am off to pull my penis'. Shortened to I'm off for a pullma.
I was horny as a sailor home from 6 months at sea, and I couldn't get a bird as I am so ugly. I ended up having a pullma round the back of the pub, as well as in the newsagents whilst looking at some scagmags.
by Gwank July 5, 2004
To masturbate (male).
To wank. To toss-off.
To jack-off (American).
The act of masturbation.
To masturbate (male).
To wank. To toss-off.
To jack-off (American).
The act of masturbation.
As a teenager, I like to chug several times a day.
Even as a grown man, I still often have a chug.
As a teenager, I like to chug several times a day.
Even as a grown man, I still often have a chug.
by Gwank July 10, 2004
A wanker (literally). One who masturbates. Derived from the noun chug (an act of masturation) and the verb chug ( to masturbate ).
by Gwank July 10, 2004
Slippers (singular baffie or baffy)
Scottish word for slippers, thought to derive from 'bachle' meaning to shuffle.
Scottish word for slippers, thought to derive from 'bachle' meaning to shuffle.
by Gwank July 17, 2004
1) An (often putative) upcoming event involving much sexual activity.
2) A sex party.
3) A party with the swapping of partners for sexual purposes.
4) Intercourse involving two or more people, usually suggesting that coupling has taken place several times.
2) A sex party.
3) A party with the swapping of partners for sexual purposes.
4) Intercourse involving two or more people, usually suggesting that coupling has taken place several times.
1) I'm hoping for a shagfest on Friday. Marion has asked her friend over.
2) The vicar invites you to a shagfest after the main service on Sunday. Please bring your own mugs.
3) I picked up a sexy beast at the shagfest last night.
4) I didn't sleep last night: it was a complete shagfest and my dick is now sore with exertion.
2) The vicar invites you to a shagfest after the main service on Sunday. Please bring your own mugs.
3) I picked up a sexy beast at the shagfest last night.
4) I didn't sleep last night: it was a complete shagfest and my dick is now sore with exertion.
by Gwank July 5, 2004