
that CNN anchor Kate Bolduan is HOAT anchor!
by MikeLindsey July 24, 2017
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Another word for hoar as in hoar for whore.
Word was created by mistake via a msn conversation when trying to type hoar it came out as hoat.
You are such a hoat Kyle!
by aleeshamadridista December 13, 2010
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Gurl, you so hoate.
by Erick T. October 6, 2011
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To be tricked, through any method, into clicking a link that takes you to any Hall and Oates video
Check out this video!

Oh darn! I've been "Hoated"
by hoated4eva September 11, 2013
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Hoat pronounced (hoe-auht) is used when the adjective hot doesn’t provide enough emphasis for a situation.
Sam: “omg Channing Tatum is so effing hoat I can’t breathe, like r.i.p my underwear”
by Blue the raptor July 23, 2018
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Similar word instead of hot, but with the same meaning said with a funnier expression.
Dude 1: You see that broad over there?

Dude 2: Hoatttttttt
by JohnRon February 10, 2012
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N. location, upon returning to which a traveller experiences mixed feelings of familiarity, comfort, belongings, seething resentment and scalding black bleed-your-eyes-out venom,
by JAkub K. July 16, 2017
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