USAn - A person with residence/roots in The United States of America.

Not to be confused with:

American - A person with residence/roots in one or more of dozens of countries in North, South, and Central America.
I've lived in Minnesota all my life. Therefore, I am USAn. You've lived in Ecuador all your life. Therefore, you are Ecuadorian. But we are both American!
by Maddie Jacobs April 16, 2008
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this person need cuddles 24/7 because she’s lonely asf, she must be protected at all cost.
by Mark Zuckerdick June 3, 2020
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One of the toughest individual you’ll ever come across! Not someone you want to mess with, they’ll definitely put you in your place. Don’t try her. Okurrr. Yerrrrr.
Omgg there’s usan again
by Susieboots July 6, 2021
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