Wearing the hood of your coat or jacket as far back on your head as possible without it falling off.
John: "Hey, look at that dude's hood."
Bob: "I know, he's trimbling so hard."
John: "He must think he's cool."
by shamanprophecy November 10, 2014
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The act of downing a pint of an alcoholic beverage, normally Guinness.
"Wow I shouldn't of trimbled all those pints last night"
by PJSSN February 4, 2014
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Trymm-bull vb.

To trip and stumble at the same time.

Also n. A cross between a Tribble and a Womble... a creature that breeds like mad, but always cleans up after itself.
"Och Cap'n it's they Trimbles... they're all over the engine room."

"What do you suggest we do Scotty?"

"I say give 'em a brush and shovel, and some mood music and leave 'em all to it!"

From "The Trouble With Trimbles" Start Wreck, Season 2.
by Neil Baxter October 12, 2005
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Women who are unfortunate enough to have hair over their upper lip have trimbles.
by sasasgreensam March 13, 2009
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A term for tripping or stumble into the anus of a large black man.
"Dude last night a trimbled bubba hard."
by Robert paquette November 21, 2008
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Lead singer and guitarist of an Irish hipster indie band called Two Door Cinema Club. He is the youngest in the band.

He has long-ish ginger, is fucking hot, has no eye brows and has hips like a girl. Claims to be "the little fat ginger kid who has no friends". Wears skinnies, t-shirt and a cardigan- often from Kitsune.

Many indie girls are crazy about him.
Sophie: Oh my god it's Alex Trimble!!
Jayne: I know! He looks just like a girl
Sophie: Shut the fuck up. He is HOTT!
Jayne: He has no eyebrows
Sophie: -_-
by Panda Mojia February 26, 2011
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