When you stay up so late that your brain doesnt function as well as it should .
Lillie: caused by feelings .. that doesn't make any sense
Max: idk lol
Lillie: wouldn't they just say 'feelings'
Max: Idk lol maybe
Lillie: lol I think its my tired brain
Max: haha not just yours. We cant process things rn
Lillie: we should put that on urban dictionary...
by 92wasmymomsname June 19, 2014
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when youve done shrooms and smoked 2 blunts and your brain cant form simple thoughts anymore
i would explain the definition but im so brain tiredd
by addicted2chaos November 23, 2010
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When you aren't physically tired, but you can't put much effort into what you're doing, like being emotionally tired but as soon as you change what you're doing to something you'd prefer to do then you'll have all your energy back
"You alright? You seem pretty tired."
"I'll be alright, I'm just brain tired"
by AndrosLesbian August 2, 2023
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