Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

It is the protocol that is responsible for sendmail. It if defined in RFC 2821
the smtp server is offline
by Eminence32 December 6, 2003
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spammers mass transfer protocol.
spam as in spam, uce, chainletters, scam.
used to be known as "simple mail transfer protocol" until them spammers too over
you need a spam example? bet NOT :)
by nsm September 5, 2003
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Send me tit pic/picture
Where a guy asks a girl to send him a tit pic

Jaci: Gross Alex, pervert
Alex:I just wanted to see your gorgeous boobs
by mikecola September 12, 2019
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Karla: my crush just texted me smtp, what does that mean?

Laila: It means he wants to get physical, it stands for "show me that pussy"
by King Julien 🤴 November 2, 2021
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