The act of removing false teeth during oral pleasuring to allow your partner to enjoy the rubber like texture of your gums.
Tammy gave me the best Rubbering I ever had last night.
by ChrisMFGaines March 9, 2016
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1. (Am. English) a condom

2. (Brit. English) an eraser
1. How did I run out of rubbers so fast?

2. Any of you blokes got a rubber? This number 3 pencil is too dark.
by theunknowngl October 17, 2004
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1. Naturally occuring substance that is the basis for most latex products, although synthetics are becoming more and more common.

2. Am. Slang - condom

3. Br. Slang - pencil eraser
1. "The crew just harvested a grove of rubber trees."

2. "I have to run out and grab some rubbers before my girlfriend comes over."

3. "Can I borrow a rubber? Mine wore down."
by maria13 February 10, 2005
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(scottish / dundonian ) To be ignored or not noticed intentionally or unintentionally
"oh my god you have just been rubbered!" "rubbered mate!"
by frbs August 8, 2009
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