A disease commonly affecting the strip club patron, peeleritis is not usually detected before it is too late, usually large sums of money have been removed from banks worldwide by the victims, who appear to be in a state of "confusion" linked to prolonged exposure to huge tits and the placing of dirty box on ones nose..
I took that blonde peeler home after spending 3 bills in the vip room, we got a hotel room... bought a half ounce of blow, and stayed up for 3 days, then i lent her my car to drive to work, I think i might like this girl, she seems down to earth.

NO dude you dont like her you goof, you have peeleritis
by LunauD August 14, 2007
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a member of her majesty's constabulary: a police officer; especially in the United Kingdom and Australia. Derived from the name of Sir Robert Peel who developed the Metropolitan Police Act in 1928 which proved to be the foundation for the modern police force in Britain.
"Oh great - it's the fucking peelers."

"Quick! Stash the biscuits! That bloke's a peeler!"
by DVC February 14, 2005
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Another way of saying stripper, refering to the process of peeling off their clothing.
by nullterm April 29, 2005
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the scum bag police force of Northern Ireland
also referred to as the PSNI, RUC or those black bastards
named after Sir Robert Peel , who founded the metropoltain police in Britain and the 6 counties.
colly: "Use 'ens comin' down for yer carry out or wa?"
paddy: "Na mate, the peelers are about, ye'd get lifted"
colly "Fuck the black bastards!"
by up-da-ra April 5, 2007
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Ditch your broad tonight and lets go to the peelers.
by creep June 25, 2003
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Commonly known as black bastards, the police in Northern Ireland, regularly kicked and hit with shit for being such scummy bastards!
Rite mate, comin down the bons?

Neh mate, peelers are bout!

Fuckin black bastards!
by Pelo April 28, 2005
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Peeler or Peelers is Irish slang used mainly in the north but some places in south to. A Peeler is a police officer, cop, pig what ever you wish to call them even bacon
Person 1: Yo dude how come you're so late?
Person 2: Dam bast*ard peelers fu*king pulled me over for no reason again

example 2

Dude get rid of the J peelers are coming this way
by Firetail May 30, 2012
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