busted, broken, dead, or otherwise not working.
stems from out of order and the molecule ozone, which is 3 oxygen atoms.

Out Of Order = O.O.O. = O3 = Ozone
That stupid vending machine ozoned on me! Took my dollar and didn't give me a Dr Pepper!
by Lemm November 23, 2006
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Spaced out.Really stoned.Not in touch with reality.Up too long.Out there in the cold distance.
Wow dude, That was some killer herb. It put me in the ozone.
by wright May 21, 2005
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If a girl is an ozone she has a good face but bad looking body, since ozone is good up high in the atmosphere, but bad down low.
Guy 1: That girl is pretty good looking.

Guy 2: She just has a good looking face! What an ozone!
by C2Nation May 7, 2009
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a term used when someone is constantly spaced out and or constantly concerned about their appearance, specifically hair, using massive amounts of hairspray at inappropriate times; leading to the depletion of the ozone layer.
Wow, that girl is such an Ozone.
by blogga200000000007 May 1, 2011
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The ozone is like a condom and global warming is herpies. Condoms protects us from herpies. YAY ozone!
condom is to herpies as ozone is to global warming
by Andres Vergara September 9, 2005
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1) A layer of the stratosphere of earth that contains molecules of ozone, an allotrope of oxygen containing 3 atoms of oxygen. Its purpose is to protect us from ultraviolet sun rays.
2) A Romainian pop band, made famous by Gary Brolsma's webcam video of himself fearlessly dancing to a song now known as Numa Numa.
1. Lets not destroy the ozone layer, kids!
2. "Maaii-a-hiii! Ozone rocks!"
by wary nebula November 3, 2005
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