adj., smaller than bumps and larger than stubble.
Linda's vibrator is nubbly like goosebumps.
by roger the fabricator February 16, 2004
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adj. root:nub
to be of the extreme nub persuasion; very much like a nub

syn:nubbish, noobish, n00bish
Oh, dude, that was an utterly nubbly shot.
by SpillZ March 13, 2004
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The combined area on a short-snouted dog's face generally referred to as muzzle and jowls. Prevalent in French Bulldogs, Pugs, British Bulldogs, Boxers and Mastiffs.
Humans can have nubbles too.
"Check out the nubble on that pug!"

"That is one nubbly puppy."

"Let me squeeze your nubble!"
by idiot_legs December 21, 2008
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Small to medium-sized nuggets of cannabis.
"Earlier I removed these nubbles... from this!"

-Tim Mahoney
by Torch October 25, 2003
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the name given to a person or pet who exhibits one or more of the following traits:
1) A shorter stature than most.
2) Lilliputian hands, paws and / or feet.
3) A lack of fingernails, due most likely to excessive chewing.
person 1: oh look at the little nubblies over there
person 2: are you pointing to the pet store or that cute, short girl?
person 1: either one works.
by squiznot. June 6, 2006
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nipple stubble a week or so after manscaping. made worse when found on a lady friend.
1. dude, I can't wear that silk shirt, it gets got on my 5 o'clock nubble.

2. I was game for second base, till I found she had nubble and I broke it off.
by UncleStu October 25, 2013
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