One who thinks so highly of themselves, and where they fit into the grand scheme of things that they stay awake for days on end, so the world doesn't have to go on without them, questioning the existence of dog, and thinking, that with their own omnipotent judgement, that they probably are dog, the new incarnation of dog himself, or maybe just a nobody. You have to use the definition as an example...I said so...please.
Hubby: "Honey, I know it's 3 am , but UH... I think you need to make me a cup of coffee, I have to send another definition to Urban Dictionary,, the world is probably counting on me to do so...and while you're up, you need to let out the GOD."
Wifey: "expletive,, mmhgfevgkjgjgnmmamum" (inaudible to human ears, but Hubby knows what she said).
Hubby: "I am not a narcadyslexicagnosticinsomnisist, or am I ? JEJUS!!!,, Do I have to do everything? JEJUS!!! What the hell is everybody's problem.? If there is a hell, I'll have to straighten stuff out down there, I ain't never gonna get no sleep."
by terryzz February 24, 2009
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