a city in lower alabama between florida and new orleans. alabama's 2nd largest city, area code 251. homeplace of no money records and rednecks. see hell.
going to mobile
by the devil July 13, 2003
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A codename for virgin, originating from "Virgin Mobile."
Person 1: "Are you mobile?"

Person 2: "Um.... Yeah?"

Person 1: "Haha!"
by Nature-Spirits_Ever May 24, 2012
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the sick from a cow-
mo (cow) - bile (sick)
by The Flying Teapot August 5, 2003
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Term used by amateur radio operators to denote that the operator is driving in the car. When operating morse code, amateur operators send an abreviated "/M", which comes out sounding exactly like "shave and a haircut, three bits."
kr9uz de nz4fk/m. just slammed into a parked car. must stop transmitting code from the /m. sk kr8uz de nz4fk k
by a pseudonym April 6, 2004
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A city in South Alabama on the Gulf Coast of the United States. Founded in 1702 and the first capitol of French Louisiana. Original home of Mardi Gras in the USA.

Pronounced mo-BEEL. Also known to many locals as Mobtown.
This year I'm going to Mobile for Mardi Gras because it's more fun than New Orleans.
by CarpeMomentum August 19, 2010
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Mobile is strictly for those blessed by God to be born in a zip code beginning with 366. The birthplace of Mardi Gras, Jimmy Buffett, and Hank Aaron. High school frats and sororities. Situated perfectly between the water and the woods, no town in America can approach the undeniable superiority that Mobile exudes. New Orleans, Savannah, and Charleston may be pretty cool- for a weekend, but none of them can match the sheer greatness of Mobile and its citizens. So wear your Costa del Mar's, top siders, and Barbour jacket proudly. Drive your Tahoe through the intersection of Old Shell and McGregor, and have a cold beer from your ice chest and put it in a hugger at the Dick. Spend your entire winter break at Pat and DD's just because you can. And always remember, you are better than everyone fr...om anywhere else without exception, and if they beg to differ, ask if their town has a battleship? DIDN'T THINK SO.
Where is the most perfect city in the south?

Mobile of course!
by arc1986 March 22, 2011
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