Max0r is the name of a very funny (and very sexy) game reviewer currently on youtube.
As of writing this, he has amassed 676k subscribers and deserves more!

Even if you don't know his name, you have most likely heard his voice before.
"Hey did you watch Max0r's new video yesterday?"
"Yuppers, I lolled when he said: That's a nice argument senator, why don't you back it up with a source; My source is that I made it the fuck up!"
by TheScratchinCO April 10, 2022
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To hax0r with the highest amount of skill and ability.
To be highly skilled at playing a video game.
To cheat at a video game.
omg another headshot... I just got hax0red to the max0r.
by makia September 9, 2004
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Were You Load Up On Hacks A Pwn A Bald Computer Admin. aka stanleying
Dude I Just Hax0r To The Max0r Alshwager
by Joester September 29, 2003
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A different word for methanphetamine drugs
gamer: i did max0r
gamer 2: you WHAT
by TheDNAofthesoul October 5, 2022
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